STEM in Novruz holiday

STEM is reflected in nature. Since Novruz is a holiday of nature, we can easily perform the STEM study. The trace of any science can be found on this holiday. For example: astronomy, history, geography, chemistry, physics, agronomy and so on.

One of the main elements of Novruz is the musical composition. How does the sound waves propagate? It is important to know the physics in order to investigate it

We need to know biology and chemistry in order to prepare the composition of sweets made in Novruz. It is necessary to properly prepare the ingredients to ensure that these foods do not harm our health and the delicious taste of sweets. Be healthy!

This entry was posted in 2018, Event by Aide Alekberova. Bookmark the permalink.

About Aide Alekberova

I teach Azerbaijan language and literature in school for age 11 - 17. I always join to a new project and events with my pupiles with great pleasure . STEM is one of interesting education form in modern education. İn this education form pupile must lear üith tuching and feeling. İ am an İT trainer and mentor . At the same time, I am an expert on textbook checking and language-style editor at the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan. I am the author of video lessons in the Video Lessons project of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan and EDUMEDIA Azerbaijan joint project( I was winner in competition " Innovative teacher " 2017 I place , Grant for Education and Innovation in Education My sites :