Secondary School “Ioan Vladutiu” Luduş says “Yes to STEM!”

The students from our school celebrate careers and studies in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) by participating in two activities: “Do You Have a Dream Career?” and “Little scientists study series and parallel circuits”.

The 8th grade students will visit companies from our city (such as SAMARCU SRL, Drinking Water Plant etc.) where they will learn about different STEM professions. After that, the students will be organised in teams. Every team will make a project about these professions (the educational path, the necessary skills, responsibilities and activities, science involved etc.).
The projects will be presented to the students from 7th and 8th grades and will be published on a blog dedicated to STEM Discovery Week.

With “Little scientists study series and parallel circuits”, the 6th grade students will learn about the meanings of electrical symbols and the properties of electrical circuits with “Electrical Circuit Lab” from Go-Lab / Next-Lab platform. In the “Electrical Circuit Lab” students will create and study their own series and parallel electrical circuits. The students will work in groups and, using prediction and observation, they will discover and discuss the differences between the design and functions of the serial and the parallel circuits. They have to solve a simple problem:

– How can a circuit with more than one light bulb be created that will allow one light to stay lit when the others are removed?

I will implement “Light bulbs in series and parallel” in an ILS (Inquiry Learning Space) wich will be integrated into the school curriculum.

My name is Lorena Elena Olaru. I am teaching Physics, Chemistry and ICT in lower Secondary School “Ioan Vlăduţiu” Luduş, Mures County, Romania.

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About Lorena Elena Olaru

I am secondary school teacher of Physics, Chemistry and ICT, Scientix ambassador for Romania, Innovative Educator Expert at Microsoft Romania, and Esero Romania consul (European Space Education Resource Office). I am addicted to teaching and I am always looking to improve my teaching and learning skills. I have a particular interest in using ICT in the classroom and I love to share ideas and resources.