539 activities in 34 countries are now published as part of the STEM Discovery Week campaign! The goals that were set for the campaign have, therefore, already been reached, namely to publish at least 500 activities in STEM education that are organised as part of the STEM Discovery Week.
Thanks for your dedicated support to the campaign and for spreading the message! Your support has been essential to the success of this campaign!
Now there are 21 projects, 37 organisations and 32 schools confirmed as official partners of the STEM Discovery Week. And more partners are joining us every week!
Please note that anyone can still upload activities to the map and we would of course like to see as many of them ass possible before we kick off on Monday 23 April.
Next week, during the STEM Discovery Week, we will connect live via video to selected activities happening in different countries in Europe! We have published a provisional calendar on the Scientix website with the scheduled video streams, here: http://www.scientix.eu/events/campaigns/sdw18/streaming
In addition, several webinars are scheduled for STEM Discovery Week that you may want to attend and/or share.
First, Scientix and STEM Alliance are organising a webinar at 17:00 CEST on 26 April. During this webinar, we will talk about how companies can help schools to promote girls‘ participation in STEM. Sarah Atkinson, Vice President, Communications and Executive Sponsor for Gender Diversity at CA Technologies, EMEA, and Sara Cardeira, who is is part of the Corporate Citizenship team of IBM in Portugal, are speakers during the webinar.
Read more about the webinar and register, here: http://www.stemalliance.eu/webinars/sdw2018-women-in-stem
Second, the Education Gateway is organising a webinar on STE(A)M education on 25 April at 17:00 CEST. The speaker at this webinar is Kristóf Fenyvesi, PhD, who is a researcher of STEAM Trans- and Multidisciplinary Learning and Contemporary Cultural Studies in Finland, at University of Jyväskylä’s Department of Music, Art and Culture Studies.
Read more about the webinar and register, here: https://groups.schooleducationgateway.eu/101/pages/page/383
We look forward seeing your activities next week and keep sharing the word about the STEM Discovery Week using the official hashtag: #STEMDiscoveryWeek