20000 Leagues Under the Sea DIVERCIENCIA

                 ¨20000 LEAGUES UNDER  THE SEA¨

With this project we aim to plan, test, apply and produce a complete Learning Project, using Inquiry Methodology, aimed at Pre School and Primary School Students, about the Earth’s Oceans features. From the book “20.000 Leagues Under the Sea”, Students will be lead to research, formulate and test hypothesis and share knowledge with their classmates in their local communities, as well as exchanging ideas with other students from a different country. Thereby, they would be able to learn another language, share each other’s culture and discover the local environment. In this way we would expect to widen our students knowledge opening new horizons and motivating them to protect our planet’s natural marine resources. This project also aims to improve the use of STEAM methodologies both in Pre School and Primary School, by encouraging the students to use ICT and Robotic resources, to recreate scenes, test hypothesis and share conclusions from the story read. Students will also be expected to investigate, learn and discuss about Aquatic Transportation. By stimulating students natural curiosity, we would try to produce a wide range of resources to teach them and others about Earth’s Ocean’s features and needs. Last but not least…this project will produce new material available for everybody to see created by the children themselves, sharing  a valuable multilingual resources bank (Spanish, Portuguese, English) about the oceans, their animals and plants, at the same time.


One thought on “20000 Leagues Under the Sea DIVERCIENCIA

  1. Miss Palma,thank you for everything you do with our children!! Your joy, enthusiasm and full dedication is what makes our children learn fun and want to learn more and more. Thank you for everything,you are great!!

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