Observation of Jupiter and The Moon by handmade Telescopes in Kusadasi Makbule Hasan Ucar Anatolian High School, TURKEY

STEM Haftası 23.04.2018 AY ve Jüpiter Gözlemimiz

STEM Haftası 23.04.2018 AY ve Jüpiter Gözlemimiz

23.04.2018 – Observation of The Jupiter and The Moon by handmade Telescopes. Observation of Constellation – (We aim to observe the sky – particularly Jupiter and the Moon, by using telescopes done by our students.)


Link: http://kusadasiaol.meb.k12.tr/icerikler/stem-haftasi-23042018-ay-ve-jupiter-gozlemimiz_5034267.html


This entry was posted in 2018, Uncategorized by Mert KOÇER. Bookmark the permalink.

About Mert KOÇER

· 2006 Joined a symposium on “Total Eclipse of the Sun and Astronomy” coordinated by TÜBİTAK (Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey) . It is the birthday of Astronomy · 2009 İstanbul Kültür University “A workshop on Amateur Telescope Making and Astronomy Symposium” · 2011 Took his 8 students abroad under the name of a Comenius Project about Astronomy. · 2012 He was assumed the title of “Galileo Teacher” after the “GALILEO TEACHER TRAINING PROGRAM” coordinated by Sabancı University . · 2015 He had a week training in Switzerland – CERN about Particle Physics · He has been in charge of workhops since 2008 which is coordinated by TÜBİTAK . · ESO – European South Observatory Türkiye Local Coordinator (Aydın) http://esoturkiye.org/?p=42 Furthermore, he is bringing the scientists from NASA and Oxford together with the Turkish students among all cities by e- conferences by kind permission of Ministry of National Education. · He is observing Saturn's Ring, Satellites of Jupiter, Craters of the Moon, Meteoric Showers and transitions of different comets with his students http://www.astrookul.com/?pnum=6&pt=Teleskop

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