STEM Careers: activities for students IIS “Marconi Guarasci” ITE Sistemi Informativi Aziendali Rogliano (Cs)-Italy

An intensive programme for STEM Discovery week 2018 at the Rogliano (Cs) Technical Institute, including: in-attendance workshops, seminars, video conferences with business managers, experts and researchers in Artificial Intelligence. The objectives are to promote STEM careers, to help and support students to make informed choices and to promote the study of technical-scientific subjects.

For more information:


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About rosamarincola

I am Italian, I live in Rogliano, near the city of Cosenza. I teach Computer Science in secondary school Istituto Tecnico Economico "Marconi-Guarasci" in Rogliano and I graduated in Mathematics. I like math, computer science, travel, I have many cultural interests. I'm Scientix Ambassador for Italy

One thought on “STEM Careers: activities for students IIS “Marconi Guarasci” ITE Sistemi Informativi Aziendali Rogliano (Cs)-Italy

  1. Complimenti per questi bellissimi lavori!
    Mi รจ piaciuto tantissimo il Go-Lab sugli ologrammi e vorrei provarlo nella mia scuola!

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