Triseum Variant Limits Game for learning mathematics

Games and gamification is one of the important developments in educational technology for European schools.

Game-based learning (GBL) has become an effective training and learning method that both students and teachers enjoy being part of these days. GBL has been developed to help students around the world acquire the knowledge and skills they need to live an educated life with a wide ranges of benefits (Clark, M.)

In the Zones of Game Variant Limits based on Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives By Bloom’s Taxonomy, teachers can access a multi-tiered scale to express the level of expertise required to achieve each measurable student outcome. Organising measurable student outcomes in this way will allow us to select appropriate classroom assessment techniques for the course.

Visual graphs provide clues that words and equations don’t. For example, it might take middle school or high school students several minutes to read, digest, interpret and map a word problem. By using graphical representations, one can quickly draw conclusions. Graphs show trends, gaps and clusters, and compare multiple data sets at once, often accommodating large sets of data. They make it easy for scientists and students alike to form hypotheses and draw conclusions.

Finally, Variant Limits could be used for Flipped Classroom Teaching. Students work and play games as their homework, and in the classroom school teachers could evaluate their knowledge levels by using worksheets. It is a combination of direct teaching and constructive learning, in which the teacher is not the “wise on the stage”, or the “sage on the stage”, but the “guide on the side”. Students who are absent due to illness or extracurricular activities, such as sports, are not left behind. All pupils are actively involved in the learning process through personalised training.

  • Students manipulate objects within a 3Dworld using calculus principles and theories.
  • Players are immersed in an environment that includes an engaging narrative, hidden backstory, and a high-stakes adventure.
  • Intuitive feedback and game interaction allow players to play and explore at their own pace.
  • Intelligent game analytics allow instructors to monitor student activity and provide insight into student progress

A tool to increase interaction and personalised contact time between students and teachers. An environment where students are responsible for their own learning.

Download the software Variant Limits of Triseum

Variant: Limits promotes conceptual understanding through direct interaction and immediate feedback in the game environment.
»» Finite Limits: Introduction to limits, one-sided limits, and limits of combined functions.
»» Continuity: Limit definition of continuity at a point,continuity of combined functions, and the intermediatevalue theorem.
»» Infinite Limits: Horizontal and vertical asymptotes.


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About argyri

Phd Canditate & Researcher in National Kapodistrian University of Athens Mathematician with M.Ed in Didactic of Mathematics & M.Sc in Economical Mathematics. The topic of Phd research is the connection secondary education with workplaces. Great experience in organization seminars and training courses for professional development for teachers, as ambassador of Scientix Network (European SchoolNet) by 2014. Mentor of European Inspiring Science Education EU Project, Open Discovery Space EU Project, Golab EU Project and Platon EU Project Participant in many European STEM projects for implementation and evaluation teaching practices. Awarded in national and European level for her innovative practices in inspiring students to STEM careers. As Scientific work many publications in conferences in local , European and International Level. Seminars and training sessions focus in innovative practices in science education and professional development