26.04.2018 – Students train their peers in coding – (The students who are aware of coding will share their knowledge and teach their peers about coding).
27.04.2018 – STEM Conference – (Doç. Dr. Hilal AKTAMIŞ – Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi).
Link: http://kusadasiaol.meb.k12.tr/icerikler/stem-haftasi-27042018-stem-konferansi_5082668.html
This entry was posted in 2018 , Uncategorized by Mert KOÇER . Bookmark the permalink .
About Mert KOÇER
· 2006 Joined a symposium on “Total Eclipse of the Sun and Astronomy” coordinated by TÜBİTAK (Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey) . It is the birthday of Astronomy
· 2009 İstanbul Kültür University “A workshop on Amateur Telescope Making and Astronomy Symposium”
· 2011 Took his 8 students abroad under the name of a Comenius Project about Astronomy.
· 2012 He was assumed the title of “Galileo Teacher” after the “GALILEO TEACHER TRAINING PROGRAM” coordinated by Sabancı University .
· 2015 He had a week training in Switzerland – CERN about Particle Physics
· He has been in charge of workhops since 2008 which is coordinated by TÜBİTAK .
· ESO – European South Observatory Türkiye Local Coordinator (Aydın) http://esoturkiye.org/?p=42 Furthermore, he is bringing the scientists from NASA and Oxford together with the Turkish students among all cities by e- conferences by kind permission of Ministry of National Education.
· He is observing Saturn's Ring, Satellites of Jupiter, Craters of the Moon, Meteoric Showers and transitions of different comets with his students http://www.astrookul.com/?pnum=6&pt=Teleskop