Machine Learning – Coding in STEM

Under the project activities of our Erasmus + KA201 Strategic Partnership Project called “STEM FOR ALL” we have organised activities for the STEM Discovery Week.

Thanks to our strong stakeholders, we empasised the importance of machine learning and how it affects everyone who will make up tomorrow’s public, the next generation of our future.

Volunteers of the companies IBM Turkey and SofTech introduced Artificial Intelligent (AI) terms to students and helped them understand how they work. Because today’s children and youth are creators of tomorrow’s technology and they will need to know how to apply machine learning.

For the activities, 60 students from high schools and 116 students from secondary schools experienced machine learning through the act of coding .

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About sibelsaygin

Hello, I am an English teacher and deputy manager of a secondary school in İstanbul. But currently I am working on behalf of National Education directorate of Sarıyer District as a project coordinator. I run EU projects in my organization and guide teachers, managers about their projects. I am interested in Stem Education closely, I completed 3rd Scientix Ambassador course and now I am scientixt ambassador in my country. To broaden the Stem awareness , I organize Stem activities and teacher trainings, seminars, workshop under the activities of our Erasmus project called "STEM FOR ALL".