Earthquake safety tips’ lesson during the eHAND Erasmus+ «Enceladus» meeting in Oreokastro 23-27 April 2018

What is an earthquake? Do all earthquakes cause problems? What do we need to do to be prepared to deal with an earthquake?

An earthquake is a natural phenomenon that often affects Greece and other countries on the planet. Most earthquakes that occur in our country do not cause any particular problems, but some are very strong and have an impact on humans and buildings.

The Earthquake Planning and Protection Agency recommends that we be prepared to be able to protect ourselves during an earthquake and also to have the appropriate anti-earthquake behavior after the vibration.

In the lesson that took place on the first day of the eHAND Erasmus + «Enceladus» Meeting in Oreokastro, the students of the seven schools that participated had to:

Use the material they had recently uploaded on the web, answering questions about what we do before, during and after the earthquake.

Create transnational groups with the goal of reading the material posted by the pupils of each school/country and to record 3 tips that they consider most important for the three phases (before, during and after)
Present the tips they have chosen to the other two groups

The results and material were used to create the booklet on the last day of the meeting. (