Alfa Kuşağında STEM ile Fark Yarat

At the Aydın Provincial Directorate of National Education, we organized a workshop which lasted the whole day. Students participated in Arduino and coding activities. The workshop took place in a conference hall and students worked in groups of five. We provided computers to every student and gave them Arduino sets ( Smart Design Boxes) as presents. There were 50 students, two per school, and 25 teachers. The workshop was held in two parts and we gave lunch to all participants and this gave them chance to know each other and share their ideas about the workshop. We also made presentations about Scientix and STEM.

2 thoughts on “Alfa Kuşağında STEM ile Fark Yarat

  1. Chemistry brings tradition to fashion
    there was three distinct activities: a working visit to the Chemistry University of Bucharest( ehere the pupils are doingdetermination of protein in plant products vs animal products), a circular economy activity (Waste water filtration, biodegradable PET, recyclable paper, recovery tin…
    Smart visitators!) and a textile-staining workshop using traditional procedures using natural pigments extracted from plant products(coloring T-shirts with natural pigments like onion leaves. Traditional fashion!)

    Webpage of activity
    Type of location
    Name of location
    Liceul Teoretic Videle
    Address of activity
    str. Republicii, nr.7

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