STEM Discovery Week competitions and its impact on improving the quality of school work and growing interest in the local community!

Secondary School No. 5 in Zabrze, Poland, winner of the European STEM4YOU Competition 2016!

On April 22-29, 2016 was held the international initiative led by STEM Alliance, European Schoolnet – the STEM Discovery Week 2016.

The Secondary School No. 5 in Zabrze, Poland, joined the action and organized the EVENT – “Make it STEM!“, during the School Open Day, coordinated by Katarzyna Kwiatek-Grabarska, a Geography and Computer Science Teacher.

We have prepared a number of activities in the areas of STEM – Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math subjects under the slogan “Make it STEM!”

Then the “Make it STEM!” Event was submitted to the International Competition – the STEM4YOU Competition and finally found itself among the winners of the European competition – STEM4YOU Competition 2016!

During the Open Day, we had the opportunity to present the school’s activities in the field of science to a wide audience.
At the same time, it was a fantastic opportunity to promote two new STEM classes, which we opened in the school year 2016/2017 in the High School No. 2 and in Junior High School No. 2.
Both classes enjoyed great interest during the students recruitment.

In our school, we focus on science education.
Many of our graduates continue to study at universities associated with this area of ​​education.
During the Open Day, we offered many presentations, workshops or laboratory classes in physics, mathematics, chemistry, biology, geography, robotics and programming. We presented our patronage cooperation with the Foundation of the Silesian Center for Heart Diseases and a number of international educational projects in which our students took part e.g: the international project “Sierpinski Carpet Project” – cooperation with the University of Almeria in Spain and the Silesian University of Technology or “Women in STEM” – an international eTwinning project that has just won the European Quality Label.

The Complex of School No. 5 in Zabrze was highly rated for its “Make it STEM” Event and was among the 12 winning projects in Europe.

On November 24, 2016, a Ceremonial Gala took place in Brussels, where all coordinators were awarded official certificates – The winners of the STEM4YOU Competition.

The gala took place during the High Level Event at the Microsoft headquarters in Brussels. The ceremony was organized by STEM Alliance – European Schoolnet and CSR Europe under the motto “Skilling Up the Next Generation for an Innovative Europe – Together!”.

The conference attended representatives of the business and education world and European politicians Tibor Navracsics – European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport and Marianne Thyssen – European Commissioner for employment, social issues, skills and mobility of employees.
The conference aimed to draw attention to the very important issue of promoting the teaching of STEM subjects and cooperation at the school and business level in order to strengthen the role of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics) among young people targeting global labor markets.

A few weeks later, we were visited by local television,
which prepared extensive material titled:
“Innovative School”

The school has been strengthened in its activities and educational proposals.
We believe that our offer is an opportunity for young people to acquire a solid education in the future that coincides with the expectations of the labor markets.
We constantly cooperate with scientific centers, our students take part in international projects, we establish contacts with industry representatives. We extend our educational offer so, that it is interesting and competitive, but first of all, adapted to contemporary needs and expectations.
Not only young people gain such cooperation, but also enterprises that already complain about the lack of employees in the field of STEM.

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About katarzynakwiatekgrabarska

Katarzyna Kwiatek-Grabarska, Geography and Computer Science Teacher with 16 years of work experience. The Scientix Ambassador in Poland and the GLOBE Teacher. Graduated from the Faculty of Earth Sciences at the University of Silesia in Katowice in the field of Geography with the specialization in Shaping and Protecting the Environment. Then she completed postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Informatics and Materials Science in the field of Computer Science. From the beginning of her professional career, she has been involved in the implementation of many science educational projects at national and international level. She is an active teacher of the GLOBE Program. She also implements projects within the framework of European Schools Cooperation under the eTwinning and Erasmus+ Programs. For two years now she has been also an Ambassador of the Scientix Project in Poland, which founder is the European Schoolnet. She has been the author and organizer of two urban geographic theme competitions for students from the city of Zabrze for 10 years. Every year she coordinates school presentations during the Science Day in Zabrze and STEM Discovery Week in school. Her students present their skills and achievements in the field of Earth Sciences.