Ohm’s law with spreadsheets

From 21st to 27th February 2019 we did the an activity described below with the students from the c class I teach. The duration of the activity was 45 minutes. We used Ohm's law to work with the basics of data processing with spreadsheets. The purpose of this activity was to make a graph showing the linear relation between the voltage at the ends of a resistance and the intensity of the current and at the same time make an experimental verification of Ohm’s law. Through this activity students practiced and enhanced their knowledge by:

• creating headings on a spreadsheet and freezing the headline line at the top.
• Organizing and classifying their data in columns and rows.
• creating a graph of their data.
• sharing and collaborating.
• understanding Ohm’s law as taught in physics.

Prior Knowledge Requirements

Basic knowledge of Ohm’s law

First we used the Ohm law lab simulator from the Colorado University interactive simulation page.


The students worked in pairs and they put the resistance at a random value and then changed the voltage at the ends of the resistor. The intensity of the current flowing through the resistor was observed and recorded. The data was recorded on a spreadsheet. When all of the measurements had been recorded, they entered on the appropriate graph for the given scenario (XY Divergence), then the trend line was added and the equation for that line was included. Finally, students made a brief summary of their results and were asked to analyze the gradient of their graph in relation to the value of the resistance they selected in the simulator.

Source: https://medium.com/@stevens.michael.a/ohms-law-with-spreadsheets-5d3274e8b0b3

Vasiliki Servou, at Kareas High School, Athens, Bironas, Greece

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About vasilikiservou

I am an ICT teacher with 22 years work experience in the field I love teaching and I have the following qualifications: An honours degree in Physics from the School of Exact Sciences of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 1991. A Master's Degree of Science in Computer Science, University of Dundee, Department of Mathematics and Computer Sience-U.K., 1993. A master in Educational Studies (Continuing Education), Open University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus, Distance Learning Course, 2012. Certificate of Proficiency in English, University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate, 1996. I am also Certified in the use and exploitation of ICT Research in educational teaching process Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs, Decision of General Secretary of Ministry of Education and REligious Affairs 12690/09.11.2015