Little STEAMer

STEAM is born of love! 🙂

Little Steamer

We made our STEM Discovery Week 2019 activities which we prepared as the Köşk 100th Year Atatürk Secondary School STEM Coordinator (Köşk 100. Yıl Atatürk Ortaokulu) on 25th April with great excitement.

STEM Classroom
STEAM Team 🙂

Our students have enjoyed the discovery in all activities in the guidance of our science teacher Burçin Çelik, mathematics teachers Hasan Basri Özcan and Mehmet Kazanci, Visual Arts course teacher Alev Yenice, Information Technology teacher Volkan Seçkin.

Click here to watch our promotional video:

Our students designed their own sky with the art of marbling, designed galileoscopes, spacecraft, exhibited space suits and discovered constellations.

Working hard!

It’s impossible to express our feelings exactly about what we’re doing here. We recommend that you do this event because the happiness of being able to teach to our students and give a meaning to their basic informations about the Space is invaluable.

Click here to watch a section of our event:

We would like to thank all the students and teachers who contributed to the Köşk 100th Year Atatürk Secondary School ( Köşk 100. Yıl Atatürk Ortaokulu) as a part of the day-long activity, and wish them success in the Stem Alliance Competition.

Click here for the presentation of the event:

Do you want to discover more?

Designing a galileoscope

Please click here to access all our activities:

As we said on the first day of our journey, our motto is always the same:

STEAM is born of love!“

4 thoughts on “Little STEAMer

  1. Congratulations 100.Yıl Atatürk Secondary School. what a nice event what a nice experience. ?✌??

  2. Congratulations! You have done very successful work on STEM…

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