Let’s play Games and Learn about Climate Change and Natural Disasters

Georgios Chatzigeorgiou*, biologist, Alexia Fragkouli*, English language teacher, Eftychia Karagianni*, physicist, MD electronic physics
*2nd General Lyceum of Oreokastro, Greece

In the context of environmental projects run by our school and foremost of the Erasmus+ project “Effects of Human Activities on Natural Disasters – eHAND”, a group of students and teachers from the 2nd General Lyceum of Oreokastro became actively involved in the collection of data on natural disasters in Greece. Several working groups were created, each undertaking to gather material relating to: earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, floods, fires, and landslides, respectively.

Each group’s findings were presented to the others and at the various transnational and LTTA meetings, also to students of the rest of the schools participating in the Erasmus+ project. Moreover, a group of students participating in the e-twinning project titled “Be informed about climate change, be prepared” was trained in first aid, but also took one step further by suggesting ways to protect our cultural heritage from natural or man-made disasters.

In the context of those two projects, the Erasmus+ and the e-twinning one, our team designed a lesson plan on natural disasters which they presented to primary and junior high school students. After careful consideration, members of the team decided to present their lesson in an experiential way, through the team games that they designed themselves.

The lesson consisted of two phases. The first one was a presentation of natural disasters, such as earthquakes, fires, floods, volcanic eruptions and their physical, chemical and geological background. The second phase involved learning through the games that students designed (board games and online games).

Web apps and tools such as https://app.maptionnaire.com,
https://geoawesomeness.com, https://scratch.mit.edu,
https://crosswordlabs.com/ were used.