Space mission. I’m an astronaut (STEM Family Library project)

Every day we are surprised by the news with new data about the Universe. And 2019 surprises us with the celebration of the Global Science Opera Gravity recalling the works of Einstein. Einstein surprised the scientific community by stating that Gravity, which exists where there is a body, rather than a force in itself, is a geometry. And the presence of a body in space deforms the “space-time” and it is this deformation that attracted the bodies between them.

In 2019 there has been already many spectacular discoveries in the field of astronomy and astrophysics: the first image of a black hole, the confirmation of an exoplanet immersed in an iron storm, the presence of bacteria and fungi in a International space station, the arrival to the Moon by an Israeli ship which however fails to land on it, studies that confirm that Mars was a blue planet millions of years ago.

In this singular year, I propose a brief story about a trip, including travelling in dreams, taking a trip with fantasy characters, turning it into reality, planning a trip to space which we are a part of, to that immensity in which we are insignificant.

STE(A)M Family Library

The project develops STEM interest trough family workshop and disseminating knowledge. Thus, it responds to the need for creating a European space, oriented towards the demands of work in the 21st century. Methodology developed is Inquiry-Based Science Education.

Objectives. Spreading STEM libraries to respond to the changes and the 21st century needs. Promoting STEM material and activities that the libraries offer to the visitors through workshops.  Encouraging families to participate in the activities together and develop STEM attitudes in the core of the families.

Content. Each of the workshops takes place as a trip through different daily realities discovering the interest of domestic materials on the workshop context. 

Space mission. I’m astronaut  

Workshop development:

Ten children from 8 to 12 years old and eleven adults (parents and guardians) participate in the workshop of the Vilassar de Mar Library.
The local police also participate in the experimentation phase: in a training scenario with materials to design an astronaut’s scuba, they use the bulletproof vest with Kevlar material.

Step a.- Raise awareness of library material in the treatment subject Space mission. Mission start. 

“In a drawer next to the bed of the grandfather who was a great inventor, Bruno found a small spaceship, those pocket ones that fit only …”.

Step b.- Introducing questions to start “experience” surprising children and parents and tutors with a space station performance.

Discover the UA (astronomical unit), position the planets and discuss the living conditions with a set of cards designed for the workshop. The charts provide data on the planets and the Moon. With this information, the children question the possibilities of reaching through space and the possibilities of living on planets and the Moon ( watch March enter

Step c.- Living with the use of a space helmet. To explore and experimentation some  phenomena: meteor impact, thermal conductivity, electrical conductivity, magnetism

The senses and life in a spaceship in the absence of gravity: smell and food, physical alterations. The physical preparation: Exercises and activities.

Observation and view images and videos of experience for build up questions debate. Modelling of the observations to provide STEM content and conceptualization. Participants simulate the launching of a rocket with a capsule (photo reel) and a fuel marketed as effervescent “El Tigre”.

Step d.- Working on GoLab ILS Space Mission I can be an astronaut and Gravity drop laboratory and discuss results. Questions are recorded participants receive answers

Step e.- Finish with a challenge giving the opportunity to apply knowledge in their current life, as a way to enjoy STEM at home.

Graphic reportage:ó-espacial-sóc-astronau/

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About mcarmen

Pedagogical assessment. Training. Coaching. Coordination. Scientific expert teacher professor - Conferences, workshops, classes, courses, articles. - Planning, Coordination and Assessment of professional organization. - Pilot teacher of teachers' Communities of practices in Projects International. - Textbooks, education material, school guidance, Researcher in the University of Barcelona in health topics. - Management practices in company. Counselling marketing and publishing production. Negotiating. - Science, math and ICT teacher in Primary, Secondary and Professional School. Implement the innovative technologies, active methodologies, cognitive processes, classroom strategies. Leadership in education, school projects. - Scientific and scholarly publishing