Leonardo 4 Children initiative – creation of an original work integrating art and science.

Although Poland developed unexpected complications in education and no classes took place in most of the schools in April, we managed to implement some of the activities planned related to the STEM Discvovery Week 2019.

One of the planned activities was participation in the “ART & SCIENCE” competition EUROPEAN COMPETITION FOR 13-18 YEARS OLD TEENAGERS – as part of the Leonardo 4 Children initiative.

Originally, I planned a series of workshops, unfortunately it failed, but eager young people worked at home.

About the competition from carano4children.org

“The competition will allow teenagers across the European Union to use and further develop their creativity and STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics) skills, inspired by Leonardo da Vinci’s example. ​The competition focuses on the creation of an original work integrating art and science. The youth will use multi-disciplinary skills – creativity, thinking, analysis, intuition, sensibility – to create an original work on an artistic and a scientific topic. The participants are encouraged to make preparatory work on Leonardo da Vinci, on the selected art and science topics such as creative interpretation, music techniques and science phenomena.”

One of my students provided an ART and described it in the following way:

Thanks to the support of Elon Musk and NASA, the mission of the SpaceX project reached Mars. This would not have been possible without the inventions of Leonardo da Vinci. Thanks to them, the astronauts safely landed on the surface of the planet and could solve problems related to transport and movement.
A properly designed rover, resembling Leonard’s tank, builds a bridge according to the design of Leonardo, so that the astronauts could safely move to the other side.

Because the competition has not been completed yet, I can not present the student’s work, but I am posting a sketch fragment 🙂

Author: Łukasz G. , II Liceum Ogólnokształcące in Zespół Szkół Ogólnokształcacych nr 5, 41-800 Zabrze, Poland.

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About katarzynakwiatekgrabarska

Katarzyna Kwiatek-Grabarska, Geography and Computer Science Teacher with 16 years of work experience. The Scientix Ambassador in Poland and the GLOBE Teacher. Graduated from the Faculty of Earth Sciences at the University of Silesia in Katowice in the field of Geography with the specialization in Shaping and Protecting the Environment. Then she completed postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Informatics and Materials Science in the field of Computer Science. From the beginning of her professional career, she has been involved in the implementation of many science educational projects at national and international level. She is an active teacher of the GLOBE Program. She also implements projects within the framework of European Schools Cooperation under the eTwinning and Erasmus+ Programs. For two years now she has been also an Ambassador of the Scientix Project in Poland, which founder is the European Schoolnet. She has been the author and organizer of two urban geographic theme competitions for students from the city of Zabrze for 10 years. Every year she coordinates school presentations during the Science Day in Zabrze and STEM Discovery Week in school. Her students present their skills and achievements in the field of Earth Sciences.