CERN’s world!

Author: Maria Eleftheriou

Dr. P. Anastasopoulos, researcher from the University of Wien gave a talk to our school (Experimental Junior High-School of Heraklion) for the elementary particles and the experiments that are being performed in CERN (14/2/2020). Our students (age 12-15) learned from the expert what are the main forces in our universe and what is the basic mission in CERN. Our school has 240 students with a tradition to science clubs. Dr. Anastasopoulos visited also our science club and answered many questions of our students. This event was very important because our students not only learned about the largest accelerator of the world but also were inspired by our visitor. You can see photos from the event here!

Dr. P. Anastasopoulos in our school.
Dr. P. Anastasopoulos showing the elementary particles.
Our visitor answer the questions in our science club.
Our students are curious about the dark matter and dark energy!

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