Netiquette through robotic activity

Author: Imen Taktak

Digital technologies provide us with a world of possibilities at our fingertips. Never before have we enjoyed so many opportunities to learn, exchange, participate and create. Yet, the Internet also opens up certain risks to its users – especially the most vulnerable ones, such as children: privacy concerns, cyberbullying, disinformation, exposure to potentially harmful content and predatory behaviours, to quote but a few.

We designed a STEM activity whose slogan “Together to have a better Internet” using the microcontroller micro:bit. In fact, we coded a Robot with three sensors for line fellower and one sensor for obstacle detector.

The obtacles are chosen according to the slogan.
In fact, when the robot detectes that there is a VIRUS or HACKER or SPYING, it stops with making a sound. 

To disseminate our work, we have participated in one video conference organized by the ministry of education in Tunisia and my eTwinning PSA in the context of Safer Internet Day 2020. In fact, teachers and their students presented their activities which demonstrated their responsible use of the Internet and awareness of Internet dangers.

Activity’s Schedule

  • Preparing the macket with the different objects:
  • Coding the micro:bit: students write the different needed blocks and functions using the micro:bit simulator.
  • Dissemination of the activity: by celebrating the Safer Internet Day 2020 through a video conference with educators from different regions in Tunisia under the leadership of the eTwinning PSA.

When we design this activity, we indicated that Coding is a basic literacy in the digital age, and it is important for kids to understand and be able to work with. Having children learn coding at a young age prepares them for the future. Coding helps children with communication, creativity, maths, writing and confidence without forgetting the importance of practicing good netiquette.

We always want to come across as professional and mature especially when communicating online.

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About imentaktak

I'm an ICT teacher at pioneer Middle School Sfax Tunisie, eTwinning ambassador since 2016 and Mentor for 2019, Europe Code Week ambassador, Microsoft Innovative Educator Expert and Microsoft Master Trainer. I was selected by my National Support Service to present Tunisia in a multilateral contact seminar in Poland in July 2017. I’m prized for the national top five Innovative educators 2016, 2017 and 2018. I have awarded for the best national eTwinning project 2016 named “Communication in our native language”, for the best national eTwinning project 2017 named “Mr bean’s family celebrating the International year of pulses 2016” and for the best national eTwinning project 2019 named "CodeRace". I have awarded for the eTwinning european prize 2019 for the eTwinning project "I'm in Love with the Green Earth". have animated many national etwinning trainings and hosted many webinars and live events to promote more the relevance of eTwinning in our pedagogical teaching. I have participated also in the world Innovation Summit for Education (WISE) in the workshop, Innovative Teaching, Drafting a Guidline of best Practice. To hone my professional development, I have participated in many learning events and online courses to learn about innovation in the classroom and school, to develop and improve my practice, to get feedback on my work and to discuss issues I face in my classroom.