First online municipal competition for children’s drawing “Our Fragile Planet”

Author: Ivo Jokin

With great interest, the first municipal online contest on “Our Fragile Planet”, dedicated to Earth Day, ended on April 22, 2020. The competition was organized by the Municipality of Dolna Mitropolia through the Municipal Center for Extracurricular Activities in the village of Baikal, Bulgaria. The competition kicked off in a week after the announcement was made by the Ministry of Education and Science.

Apart from drawings received from the municipal kindergartens and schools, we also received many from the whole country. Participants came from Shumen, Varna, Plovdiv, Samokov, Sevlievo, Pleven. The total number of entries received was 52.

In the competition, we had 4 age categories: kindergartens, students 1st – 4th grade, students 5th – 7th grade and 8th – 12th grade. Participants sent photos of their works to the Municipal Center’s e-mail and these photos were posted on the official Municipal Center for Extracurricular Activities Facebook page.

The children and students had succeeded in transforming their vision of the planet’s problems in a unique way and came up with ideas to reduce the effects of environmental pollution.

The competition was conducted in the partnership with European SPACE EU project (previous SPACE AWARENESS – Space Awareness). The Municipal Center for Extracurricular Activities is a distribution partner of this project.

The evaluation of the works was carried out by Mrs Krasimira Boyanova, Secretary of the Probuda-1925 National Community, Baikal village and Head of KRASI ART and Mr Ivo Jokin, Director of Municipal Center for Extracurricular Activities and Head of Rainbow Painting School.

The final results of the ranking can be seen on the Facebook page of the Municipal Center for Extracurricular Activities in the village of Baikal. All participants will receive certificates and gifts after the state of emergency is lifted.

The organizers of the competition express their great gratitude to all participants, their teachers and parents for the shown creativity, inspiration and we hope that this year’s competition can grow into a national one.

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About Ivo Jokin

I am a science teacher and director of the Municipal Center for Extracurricular Activities, Bulgaria. I have 30 years of experience in the same place - the beautiful village on the bank of the Danube, the village of Baikal. My professional interests are in the field of teaching science, promoting science and organizing and conducting science camps and events. I'm SCIENTIX ambassador and GTTP (Galileo Teacher Training Program) аmbassador.