Closed is for this person that has not another way, but we are smart people in a smart world…

Author: Silva Sufali


I am Silva Sufali from the middle of Albania. My motto is to learn my students all the time in different modes using new tools that I have the chance to learn during my international training.
When I heard for the first time about the outbreak of Covid-19, I thought that China was far way from my country Albania.

Three months later I am here, “closed”…Closed was a terrible word that separates all the people from each other, but must not interrupt their communications. In this situation, all teacher and colleges, students have to do the work from home. It was difficult at first but with helping each other now can use Google Forms, Zoom, Go-Lab, SCREEN-O-MATIC, etc. During this time I learnt a lot and had the chance to help other teachers that teach literature, history, biology, mathematics to integrate themselves in the beautiful IT world. Maybe this world will never look the same for the from now.

STEM Discovery Campaign was an open door in this closed world. I read about it in social media. For the first time, I have made my webinar using Scientix and MOODLE. I explain all the teachers, students how to use Go-Lab and how to integrate Go-Lab in all our online lessons and in-class when wee turn there.

In my subject physics, I have made model hours for my students using Go-Lab for explaining the spectre of light online, the way of light in different material places for example from air to water etc. I published these lessons on YouTube.

Another lesson was about circuit electric. I have organised an online training with the support of SOMR (Scientix Online Meeting Room) with great pleasure.

During the last week of April, I made with my students an online lesson about how to code from home. During this workshop that I decided to do with them, we have seen on my shared screen all the type of code in scratch doing a project and then students have prepared a project that is now on the official page of our school. The meaning of this project was a cat that tells the advices on how to take care of ourselves during this time.

Making my lessons look so beautiful and interactive I used quiz from Kahoot.
At last, I made a lesson in Powtoon about how to stay safe at home and use the Internet securely.

We stay home but we learn so much. In Screen-O-Matic I created a fairy tale, telling a story for the smallest people in my class ( 3- 5 years old). I gave them an online gift. The fairy tale is now published on their official page. I also gave training online for other teachers that have interests to learn new platforms, new tools.

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About silvasufali

I am Silva Sufali Cani. I have finished the University in Elbasan, but my proffesional increasing is not finished here. I have take some trainning National and international for new tools, new platforms ec... Now I am a National representative for IAU. I make trainning for teacher who like to learn new things about technology Subject: Math,Physic,It. My student age is 12-15 My passion is to integrate new things new tools in our lessons. My motto is to motivate students to learn all the time in the different ways...

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