eTwinning project “STEAM in Fairy tales”

With the increasing integration of STEAM ideas into pre-school education, the question arises, how to make STEAM education even more interesting, even more attractive for the child? Observing that nowadays children have difficulty listening to fairy tales to the end, the question again arises as to whether fairy tales can be brought closer to the child using STEAM ideas.

So we set ourselves a goal – to connect old and well known (fairy tales) with new and modern (STEAM education).

In autumn we created eTwinning project “STEAM in Fairy tales”, which connected STEAM education with traditional, in the world well known Fairy tales.

eTwinning projects give a chance for schools located far from each other to work in distance. It‘s the perfect platform to communicate and cooperate at distance with pupils, teachers, and all school community.

In the beginning of project we asked pupils and their parents to read fairy tales at home and to mark, what fairy tales they read. In the class we elected the most popular fairy tales, from children read at home.

Later we done STEAM challenges related with fairy tales, which children read at home: for example, to built a strong house for little pig from the book “Three little pigs”, we had to make such strong house, that the wolf doesn‘t blow it. We read fairy tale „Goldenlocks“ and made three different chairs, tested, which are the strongest, the weakest we had strengthen. After reading fairy tale „The wolf and 7 goats“ we decided to make basket for mother Goat, containing at least two apples.
In the middle of project we dicided to have interactive online activity for pupil and parents: we read very popular book „Kakė Makė and mess dwarf“ and created maze from pensils.

This project in our school was implemented in to ways: for pupils, who attend school and for pupils, who staid at home during quarantine. Teachers had a challenge to work in a mixed way.

The same challenge had teachers from Turkey, Bulgaria, Lithuania, but we all the time talked about challenges and how to beat it. We had several online meeting to talked about it.

In the project we used a lot of different e-programs for various forms of education: we used,,, and etc.

We think it was very successful project, because we connected not only old and well known (fairy tales) with new and modern (STEAM education), bet also we helped to improve children‘s  thinking, creative, problem solving, researching skills and other skills, which are necessary for the man of the 21st century .

Video about project:

Teachers: Laura Bajoriūnė and Mireta Visockienė

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