Garbage Museum Application Story


Students: 6-9 years

The results of this activity with primary school students are as follows:

First of all, the students discovered the environment. We asked some questions to the students. Can you do something about the garbage? What are recyclable materials and what are the measures to be taken for less waste?
We did an online course activity through Zoom and asked some questions. We shared photos of our natural and artificial products with Padlet.
Students thought and designed what they could do with artificial materials for the “Garbage Museum”. They organized an online exhibition for the resulting natural and artificial objects. I wanted them to explore the environment, realize the damage they caused to the environment, find solutions to these problems and exhibit the concrete examples they prepared in the museum.

A selection of images from the project practice– The images are the author’s own –(Attribution CC-BY)

They tried to produce solutions for nature by making the products they collected from the environment striking, they came up with new ideas to reduce waste and worked on waste reduction-waste recycling. You can reach the online exhibition we have created on the Padlet.

A selection of images from the project practice– The images are the author’s own –(Attribution CC-BY)

With this activity:
1. Students discovered nature
2. They succeeded in separating the materials in nature
3. They tried to think about environmental pollution and find a solution
4. They became conscious of nature
5. They understood the importance of recycling to protect nature
6. They prepared an exhibition to raise awareness.

The activity will continue and students will upload them to Padlet as they make new discoveries.

Why others should use this or similar methods with their students?
Because solving the problems discovered by students with their own observations is the most effective way to raise awareness for them. Thanks to this scenario, more sensitive, environmentalist and solution-producing students will be trained. Nature observations, especially with primary school students, are very important in terms of getting to know nature. It also allows them to understand that the substances they collect are natural and artificial. They make creative products from the items they find and display their importance.

The event includes interdisciplinary work.
Topics; pollution, separation of substances, natural and artificial materials, data collection and interpretation, cleaning the environment, saving, recycling, art

8 thoughts on “Garbage Museum Application Story

  1. Museum of Recycling – a collection of garbage products collected and constantly updated. There are unique specimens both in aesthetic appearance and in practical application. When creating the museum, they used the idea of ​​waste disposal as involving them in new technological processes in order to obtain a useful product.

  2. These works are very good and will raise awareness in students. Congratulations

  3. It’s a really beneficial event for students in terms of improving their creativity and raising awareness about nature. I like your idea.
    Do you think it’s applicable for high school stundents?

    • Sure why not? Even high school students can make a difference with more ingenious design ideas. In this way, it attracts more people’s attention

  4. A great choice of titles. Content and title are very harmonious. The idea is feasible and will lead to skills. They will definitely understand the concept of natural and artificial products. I think they will also learn to respect nature. Do you intend to provide information about recyclable products while doing this event?

  5. Yes, I want students to notice for themselves. It would be very effective to ask them what products are convertible and non-convertible.

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