The importance of water in our life

Preparing for classes started by reading the All Basic for School seminar and learning about AI resources because I met some of them for the first time, and I realized the importance of using them in class. Since March 21 is Water Day, I decided to connect STEM, NBL and PBL through integrative teaching.

Classes were conducted through the following subjects: Mathematics, Croatian language, Nature and society (science), Art and Music culture. We started the activity by showing videos and listening carefully.

The pictures are the author’s own –(Attribution CC-BY)

Students tried the same. After announcing to them that we are going to talk about water today and the importance of water I asked them a riddle. They played in pairs on tablets.

This is followed by a reading of the poem “A Drop of Water” by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe and an analysis of the questions in the digital book on the Mozaik education platform. I give the students the task to imagine that they are a drop of water and live in a cloud. In the form of a composition, they have to tell what has been going on on the trip. In the end, students reading their essays.

I asked to imagine how the sound of water, the gurgling of water in the mill, the falling rain would sound. The students work in pairs then and use the applications to create “water” music.

The pictures are the author’s own –(Attribution CC-BY)

I talked to students about the importance of water, where all the water is, what we use it for, how we have to treat water and in what all forms we may see water.

Since students know how ice is formed, we performed a joint experiment of melting ice at room temperature and warming it up. We discuss what happened and which ice melted faster. I ask them the question: ” Where is all the ice on earth? Is that ice melting too, what melts, where does the dissolved water go? I explained that we would learn how to measure the level of dissolved water on land and at sea. We were watching, reading, and discussing.

The pictures are the author’s own –(Attribution CC-BY)

How Do We Measure Sea Level? | NASA Climate Kids

I divided the students into groups and give them worksheets with instructions for making experiments. After the experiment, students read the data and drew a conclusion on diagrams.
They used the Meta-Chart app and then we talked about the results.

The pictures are the author’s own –(Attribution CC-BY)

‘What is coding and the binary system’, students learned in October during the coding week. I handed out worksheets with binary code. Students made encrypted eco messages and give another group to decrypt them.

The last activity was planned for art. Students made a poster about water in nature with watercolours and wrote an eco message. At the end of the activity, we made a class exhibition of their works. All this we will upload to padlet on eTwinning platform events Water is life to show the others how we can use AI in the classroom and also we will upload the activity on EU code week.

6 thoughts on “The importance of water in our life

  1. Your actions and your efforts have been an inspiration to us all.

  2. It is nice to see this kind of energy and creativity of students and teachers. Especially around such an important topic as water.

  3. Teachers are faced with the challenges of modern education, which include the use od technology in the educational process. It’s shown in a great way how a children learns best through diverse and interesting activities. Technology, experiments, research… are just some of the examples how students learn easier and faster. I am of the opinion that such learning projects should be much more represented in the educational process.

  4. Dear colleague, I find your project inspiring! I think the activities you have created will definitely bring positive and meaningful result. Everything is very well thought and organised. Simce I teach geography, I might use your approach in my lessons! Well done!

  5. This is a great example of the integration of STEM areas and regular subjects that children learn on a daily basis in school. It also shows us that children intuitively adopt the material (curriculum) which is presented through an interactive way.

  6. It is shown in a great way how children learn best through various and interesting activities. I am of the opinion that such learning projects should be much more represented in the educational process.
    Everything is very well thought out and organized.

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