Polar glaciers are losing space, and land glaciers continue to melt around the world. This event shows that ecosystem change is starting to accelerate.

Although our world has been exposed to climate changes due to natural causes in the past, since the beginning of the industrial revolution, human beings increasingly continue to release CO2 and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere by using fossil fuels.

Therefore humankind urgently needs to review this and similar patterns of behaviour that increase climate change and threaten our Earth. Climate scientists acknowledge that it is not possible to stop or reverse climate change, but it is argued that reducing emissions of greenhouse gases can overcome global warming.

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Organic carbon enters the soil mainly through animal and plant residues, dead and living microorganisms, root infiltrations and degradation of soil biota. Large amounts of organic carbon are stored in frozen soil (permafrost) in the arctic regions. A warming climate can cause environmental changes that accelerate the microbial breakdown of organic carbon and the release of greenhouse gases carbon dioxide and methane. In Siberia, Russian scientist Sergei Zimov is researching permafrost at the Northeast Science Station. According to the latest researches, as the frozen soil melts due to climate change, carbon is released into the atmosphere by turning into carbon dioxide gas and methane gas. Of course, this becomes one of the causes and consequences of climate change.

Permafrost is also the largest mercury store on our planet. It is said that by 2100 the dissolution rate of permafrost will be at least 30%. As is known, mercury is a poisonous metal, a dangerous substance that can damage many organs, especially the brain. The melting of permafrost and their mixing into the air and water is another danger for us.

It is essential to raise awareness about the need to protect the planet we live in, both individually and globally.

Among all these negativities, there is a project listed by Project Drawdown as “one of the 100 most robust solutions to global warming”

Pleistocene Park

Yes, by Russian Scientists, to recreate large herbivores, namely feathery mammoths and mammoth steppes near the Northeast Science Station in Northeast Siberia… By transforming the existing ecosystem in the park into giant steppes, the melting of permafrost will slow down. . steppes and large herbivores grazing here. In the park reindeer Yakutian horse, Yak Sheep, Cattle, Bison …

Do you think we’ll be seeing hairy mammoths in those grasslands in the future?


  1. Congratulations my friend. It was a successful detection. We are waiting for the continuation of your work

  2. I think climate change will affect people the most, great article thank you

  3. it is a quite interesting article thank you for your sharings

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