STEM ADVENTURE BEGINS – Heritage of the Future – Our Seeds


An increase in air temperatures, an increase in carbon dioxide ratio, melting of glaciers, an increase in storms, drought and desertification have revealed the reality of climate change. In order for our world to be livable in the future, it is necessary to raise awareness for the fight against climate change. For this, relevant gains should be provided at a young age.

Climate change is a problem that affects all countries of the world. Decrease in water resources, deterioration of soil quality and ecosystem, decrease in biological diversity, decrease in quality in agricultural production, fertilization and spraying problems occur. It has created anxiety for the future in people. With this activity, we aimed to raise awareness of pre-school children (4-6 years old) about climate change, to gain the importance of recycling, to establish seed banks, to make compost from household wastes, to make mini-agriculture in our homes and to observe the formation of plants.

Picture provided by with authorization to be shared – Attribution CC-BY


The aim of the event is to draw attention to climate change. It is to raise the awareness of young students and find solutions to real world problems.





What is Glacier for kids? Where do polar bears live? Is water important to living things? How does climate change affect living things? What can we do to prevent this? we asked the questions. After researching how children and their families can compost at home, they made compost with household waste. They grasped the importance of worms, ants and fertilizers in agriculture. We create a zero-waste initiative in our homes.

Picture provided by with authorization to be shared – Attribution CC-BY


Unused waste materials from teacher children (teapots, pots, plastic containers, garbage cans, etc.) wanted. Children sat at tables. the teacher put different colours of acrylic paint on the table. The children painted the outside of the materials with acrylic paint and made pots. They recycled their waste material. The boys showed each other their pots and talked about how they did it. We opened a mini-exhibition that recycles everyone’s waste, which other students at our school can see.

A selection of pictures from the project practice– The pictures are the author’s own –(Attribution CC-BY)


The students sat down at the tables. They coloured the picture on the page and animated it with a phone app. This web2.0 tool was pretty fun for Kids. Using the water, sunlight, love, pruning and fertilizing necessary for them, they practically grew strawberries.

A selection of pictures from the project practice– The pictures are the author’s own –(Attribution CC-BY)

Students put the seeds in ziplock bags and hid them. They planted some seeds (parsley, lettuce, arugula, corn, tomato, pepper, zucchini) in the pots they made. They will observe the growth stages of the plants in the houses. The event took place in an eTwinning project with 10 partners.

A selection of pictures from the project practice– The pictures are the author’s own –(Attribution CC-BY)


Students find solutions to daily life problems. He uses his solution in daily life. Their self-confidence increases by creating new products with their friends. Digital literacy skills increase with the use of Web2.0 tools.


WRITER: Project Founder: Sibel Koçyiğit , Konya Ereğli Belediyesi Anaokulu

Project Founder: Nezehat Gürler, Konya Ereğli Bil Koleji Anaokulu

Seda Yavuz, Konya Ereğli Bil Koleji Anaokulu

Tevfike Şahin, Konya Ereğli Mithat Paşa ilkokulu

Figen Turan, Denizli Saime Aslan Anaokulu

Duygu Kar, Denizli Saime Aslan Anaokulu

Ganimet Arslan, Denizli Büyükşehir Belediyesi  Hayme Hatun Anaokulu

Kader Yıldız,Kocaeli Gebze Rehberim Koleji Anaokulu

Ayşegül Başdereli, Konya Vilayetlere Hizmet Götürme Birliği Anaokulu

Zeynep Velioğlu,Mersin Akdeniz Zeki Sabah İlkokulu