Our life in earth depends on the plants. They are the key food of animals, like us. We, animals, appeared here in earth because plants learned how to create food but plants need water, air and light to create their food. Lack of water is a fact in some parts of our planet; so food is not available and it constitutes a great real problem for so many people over the world, in this project we will try not only to understand why plants are so important.
Aim of the lessons
- Understanding the way plants obtain their food.
- Understanding the relation between plants and animals life.
- Participating in inquiry based science projects: Inquiry project about what plants and animals need for living.
- Estimating plants and taking care of them.
- Thinking critically about food problems and migration to better places.
Age of students: 9-11 years
Preparation time: 3 hours
Teaching time: 7 hours
Teaching resources
Materials: Paper, glue, pots, plants, two white flowers, rubber bands, chopsticks, clay, plant seed.
Online tools: PPpoints, video conference, Padlet, Kahoot.

Lesson Plan
The implementation of integrated STEM teaching and learning is facilitated by the use of specific pedagogical approaches (PBL, IBL, CLIL). In order to facilitate the research done by the teachers and the design of activities by teachers, a selection of such approaches is presented in this lesson.
Students started brainstorming and discussing these questions.
*Do you think everybody can have food to live? Why?
*Which is the most important food for humans and other animals?
* What is it necessary to get this food?
After these discussions, asked each other questions (Which is the relation between plants and our food? What do plants need to live? What can you do to help people to get their food?) and asked about what plants need to live with Kahoot.
Question 1: ‘’Does a plant need water? If the plant takes water, Where do you think the water will go?’’
Upon this question, begin to observe with a plant in water and take a plant out of the ground and place it in a glass jar with only the roots submerged in water. Meanwhile, while observing, some questions are posed to them.
How are you going to measure the loosing of water?
How we can be sure the loose of water is not produced from evaporation?
Then, showing the students the glass surface that has been covered so the roots are in water there are some marks at the glass to help to measure the decreasing of water, so take notes of their observations and thoughts and continue with the second activity.
Question 2: Examining the relationship between water and leaves. ‘’Where do you think the water will go?’’ Students chose their answer through Kahoot.
* Water will go up to the leaves
*The water will go to the stem and the leaves
*Water stayed in the roots
*The water will evaporate from the leave.
Students took note of their predictions via the Paddle. Then, two white flowers were observed in colored water and flowers were dropped into the water colored with food coloring previously prepared and the observation study was carried out. The initial photos and later photos of the observation were uploaded.
Question 3: About the need of light. ‘’The plant needs / doesn’t need light’’ Predictions received. Thoughts supporting predictions were written into Paddle. Then the observation study was started. They observed a plant in a light and non-light environment. Putting one plant in front of the window and the other in the closet, before and after the observation pictures were uploaded. After one week, the photos of the two plants were uploaded and the results were compared by all students.

Question 4:About the need air. ‘’The plant needs/ doesn’t need air’’ Predictions received. Thoughts supporting predictions were written into Paddle. The observation study of the plant placed in a de-aerated bag was carried out. The students placed the pot and plant in a bag and covered with tape. Then they completely evacuated the air inside the bag. After one week, the observation results were compared.
As a result of all questions and observations, a video conference was made as a feedback.
After listening to all the observations and thoughts of the students, the teacher introduced the concept of photosynthesis and explained that plants produce food; Teacher showed practically that they needed water, air and light for this. Studies have been shown to prove that the nutrient produced by plants is important for the continuation of vitality.

In line with all the information learned, the students chose a plant seed they wanted and raised their plants by providing the most suitable conditions for them. Students explained the plants they grew through video conference and the positive / negative situations experienced in the process.
*In-class observation; students’ participation in the lesson, their reactions, answers and questions.
*Evaluation of observation studies; The peer assessment and self-assessment forms given to the students were asked to fill in.
*Presentation of the final forms of the grown plants was made.
The outcome of this lesson; Students will understand the importance of plants for living life. They will learn that plants are essential nutrients for humans and pestles. At the same time, they will meet the concept of photosynthesis and observe the food production process of plants. By learning that this process depends on water, air and light, they will display behaviors to research and find solutions for important environmental problems such as water scarcity in the world.
About Pelin AYHAN: Primary teacher in Konya, Turkey. Since February 2021, a Scientix ambassador. In order to be beneficial to her students, try to continuously improve her education methods and participate in trainings in this sense.