Self-heating Home

Could it be a self-warming house? Today, natural phenomena are more severe. There’s probably a big change in the world. The earth was colder, warmer and stormy. They’re running out of natural resources. Is it possible to build nature-resistant self-warming houses? It is possible for primary school students to solve the problem by building houses with reusable materials. Learn about the sustainability of life worldwide and offer alternatives. What materials are used in heat-efficient homes?

This plan is the 2nd year of the Turkish Ministry of National Education. Natural events and disasters in the life sciences plan. The importance of recycling. Use resources correctly. Observes weather events and transfers results to the table, understanding geometric shapes and objects in a math class. Literate graphs and tables. He designs in tech class. Cares about group work.I worked with 6-7 year old students.A total of 23 students attended the event.We completed our event on April 22-23.

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The picture is the author’s own –(Attribution CC-BY)


The aim of the course is to make students aware of changing natural events and climate change. They will be made to understand the dangers that change in the world makes in our lives. For this, students will design a solid and self-heating house that will contribute to nature.

Students will use recycled materials. They will make a house that is resistant to natural phenomena and that is self-warming. Trends:

Project-Based Learning

Lifelong learning

Cooperative learning


First, the attention of the students will be drawn. Students will watch and discuss videos, documentaries and news of natural phenomena. Students will brainstorm and determine how to design. They will determine the design and prepare it in cooperation. Students will imagine what will happen in the future. From now on, they will study natural phenomena more carefully. Learn more about sustainability. He’s going to learn to work solution-oriented. Using technology correctly, home design . The detection of the problem and the result of the solution will be information tools.

What are the natural phenomena that will be asked questions and the problem will be noted? The maps on Subject will be monitored. The effects of natural events on our lives are debatable. They will be allowed to observe weather events and create a table. The damage done to homes by natural events will be questioned. Students will create a brainstorming presentation using the whiteboard. They will use colored pencils to write reusable materials in post-it notes and paste them on the whiteboard. Students post a week’s result of the weather forecast in boa.rd and discuss it. Students will be asked to gather information about natural lines and disasters. They will then be asked to examine graphs to transfer weather events. They will discuss the research results on what to do to keep homes warmer.

Students discuss why and how natural phenomena occur. Pictures show natural disasters. They’re going to brainstorm. They’re going to discuss what kind. Of changes we make in the design of the houses can contribute to warming. Students will be given instructions on how to create home design. The home design will be drawn by students at grou and prototypes will be made separately. They will then be asked to work as a group to keep their homing warmer. Second, the selected material will add to the design.

Interdisciplinary Relationship

Firstly they’ll draw geometric shapes here in math. Second indicate geometric shapes edges and corners.. Next, they will discuss what shapes to use in home design. (Additional resource 1) Next, the role of household structures in heating will be examined. From the shell of your address to the brain-making about the materials used, their location and shape. As a result, the materials will be used as well as be decided.

The picture is the author’s own –(Attribution CC-BY)

However, the group will offer its own design house and how they keep the heat in. The resistance of the houses to t’s on the natural line will be resisted. They will be tested to see if they retain heat. Feedback on the project is discussed (orally or with a program such as Possible questions are “What affected you?” or “What are you going to hide from this project?” Optional Test Game

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