From Household Waste To Sustainable Living

The products and materials we do not need, which are described as garbage that have fallen out of use in our homes, are called household waste. Products such as cardboard, books and pharmaceutical waste are classified as domestic waste. These wastes, which are less harmful to the environment than industrial and electronic wastes, may cause environmental pollution. Domestic wastes, which also cause visual pollution, are sent for recycling.

The increasing rate of urbanization has caused the increase in the amount of domestic wastes generated in the cities and change their composition, thus creating a problem that is difficult to control, and on the other hand, it has turned into a great economic value.

The production of non-recyclable packaging paper is one of the largest manufacturing processes in which fossil fuels are consumed globally. Cutting large amounts of trees for production (17 trees per 1 ton of paper) causes an increase in carbon emissions. In addition, paper packaging wastes have a significant place in the composition of garbage and constitute an important part of the volume problem in waste landfills. Therefore, it is important to prevent and reduce the generation of paper packaging waste.

Image belongs to the author – (Attribution CC-BY)

Developed countries have high and easy access to resources. Therefore, its effects on the environment are just as important. Because, according to the reports of the United Nations, 20% of the population in the world consumes 86% of the current world resources. Population density has increased by more than 250% in the last 50 years, according to UN reports. As the global population increases, so does the demand for energy and other resources. Unfortunately, current consumption rates will not be sufficient to meet this demand.

In this context, as long as a fifth of the population continues to use this vast majority of resources, we will not be able to live sustainably.

Although the effects of our increased use of resources were not immediately noticeable to us, they began to take effect in alarming ways. The use of unsustainable resources has already led to climate change, toxic waste, air pollution and water scarcity. Reversing this effect must be one of our most important and primary goals to sustain the growing population and increasing resource demand. For this reason, we must first be aware of the problems and change ourselves, our local region, the place of work and then our country to make an impact. Believe it is not difficult. Just believe it and tell other people how important sustainable living is.

In a world where consumption and waste generation is commonplace, sustainable living may sound a bit utopian. But believe me it is not difficult!

As an educator, my primary goal has always been to create sustainable life goals for my students and to make them understand the importance of recycling and creating educational materials with waste.

Image belongs to the author – (Attribution CC-BY)

For this reason, we frequently include household wastes and materials in our projects related to etwinning and try to create awareness of recycling and sustainable life in my students.

The materials created by our students are related to both engineering, science and technology and design and can be evaluated within the scope of STEM activities.

Image belongs to the author – (Attribution CC-BY)

Our first activity is Designing a Labyrinth Game, a game of Mind and Intelligence using materials such as waste paper, cardboard and plastic, and spending quality time at home during the pandemic process… My students design and play a game with recycling from household waste

Our second activity is to design robots from household waste.And Our third activity is to make clock and piggy bank designs from household waste.

With these activities, in addition to creating a sustainable life goal in students, it was tried to create awareness of being able to perform the tasks related to recycling and our future.

Image belongs to the author – (Attribution CC-BY)

5 thoughts on “From Household Waste To Sustainable Living

  1. It is a well thought-out activity to raise awareness. Congratulations

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