Author: Polydoros Stavropoulos, Teacher Mechanical Engineering, MSc STEM in education, Athens Greece.
Date: Whenever
Presentation of the development a digital learning dynamic scenario.
Title: Development of an Educational Scenario with the theme “Catalytic Converters of Cars” in the context of S.T.E.M. Education.
The digital learning scenario we are presenting is designed for the training of secondary vocational schools métier mechanics engineering. I have uploaded the first dynamic learning scenario to the tool ISE (Inspring Scence). The learning scenario is at the folllwing link:
The portal Open Discovery Space offer for free the tool ISE which enables the development of five-phase dynamic learning scenarios, which are distincted and are referred as:
PHASE 1: Challenge of Interest and Position of Questions.
PHASE 2: Creating Assumptions and Work Plan.
PHASE 3: Design and Experimentation.
PHASE 4: Analysis and Interpretation.
PHASE 5: Conclusion and Evaluation.
The pages of the phases are ready for the development of the script and in these phases we have the possibilities:
a) use of multimedia
b) online Quiz with questions of formative evaluation but also problem solving
c) results of formative assessment of the cognitive level of the students / three
d) problem solving results
The duration of the scenario should exceed 2 teaching hours and be based on problem solving.
More information about the results that ISE gives to the teacher you can read to the follwing link:
On the top of the right you can choose the role, teacher or as student.
By right clik of the mouse you can translate to any laguage (with chrome browser).