Magnetized Green Car

The primary cause of global warming is vehicles burning fossil fuels such as gasoline and diesel. However, since natural gas and oil are not entirely of organic origin, we can call them hydrocarbons in general. Based on the fact that electric vehicles do not burn hydrocarbons, we can say that they are more environmentally friendly and do not emit toxic exhaust smoke and greenhouse gases that cause global warming.
If we use electric or magnetic tools to protect our environment and prevent global warming, we can make our environment more livable.

Our digital STEM project aims to increase the interest of our students in the fields of science, technology, mathematics and engineering. Apart from this, it is aimed to train students who can think creatively, solve problems and have 21st century skills by integrating STEM disciplines with each other. In our project, the batteries of Ahmet’s car run out and cannot be changed. remembers that they can walk with the magnetic effect of the magnet. He moves his car with the method of trial and error.

Bu görselin boş bir alt özelliği var; dosya ismi: stem-dicoveryweek.jpg
Bu görselin boş bir alt özelliği var; dosya ismi: miknatis-3.jpeg
Bu görselin boş bir alt özelliği var; dosya ismi: miknatisli-2.jpeg
Bu görselin boş bir alt özelliği var; dosya ismi: bayram.jpeg

Our goals   With this project, we aim to help our students gain 21st century skills. Iparticular, it is aimed to gain problem solving skills through project-based learning. It was aimed to think analytically by coding. It is aimed to think creatively with design way learning. It is aimed to make new designs by using the necessary tools for daily life skills. In addition, it is to help the development of hand eye coordination by making movements that require object control. To raise awareness about sustainable energy and zero waste. Increasing sensitivity to the framework is also among our goals.

Interdisciplinary cooperatio

Students learn about magnetic energy, repulsive and pulling forces of magnets in the field of science. Comprehend the length measurement in the Matamatik lesson. They are provided to do research in the field of technology. In the field of engineering, they design and build magnet-driven vehicles. They also develop their vocabulary and understand the meaning of what they listen to and what they watch.


The designs of the students and what they learned during the process are evaluated. In addition, they learn through interdisciplinary cooperation in terms of language development as well as science, mathematics, technology and engineering. With these, it is emphasized that magnetic energy is sustainable energy. It is also emphasized that it leaves zero waste. Thus, both contributes to recycling and environmental pollution is prevented.

Pictures and video belong to me.

Author : Scientix Ambassador Gülsüm Atile Hakkı Tatoğlu Prımary School Antalya Turkey : I have been practicing STEM on eTwinning projects for 4 years. I got my school a STEM school label.


Ayşe Doğan Şemsiana Kindergarten Muğla

Berna Akmısır Kıbrıs Şehidi Yüzbaşı Cengiz Topel Secondery School

Dilek Y. Petek Aksu Prımary School Antalya Turkey

Elif Zengin Aksu Tekeli Prımary School Antalya

Nurcan Mandal Adnan Menderes Prımary School Ankara

Sevnur Kasım Dr. Cahit Ünver Prımary School Antalya

Elif Günhan Dr. Cahit Ünver Prımary School Antalya

Hacı Bayram Şeyhoğlu Kestel Belediyesi Esentepe Prımary School

Diana Jelihovschii Liceul Teoretic Mesterul Manole s. Salcuta, Căușeni

Leticia Gil Ramos Toledo, İspanya CEIP ALFONSO VI

Yasemin Yeşilkuşak Hakkı Tatoğlu Prımary School Antalya

32 thoughts on “Magnetized Green Car

  1. Çocukların çevre bilinci ve yaratıcılıkları çok gelişti

  2. Congratulations, teacher! It has been a science-filled STEM study that will raise students’ awareness.

  3. it was a very good team work. the children had fun and learned

  4. It was a very useful work. Students became aware of global warming

  5. A great project that increases the awareness of students, improves their problem-solving skills.

  6. Tebrikler hocam. Çok güzel çalışma olmuş. Öğrencilerimizi de kutluyorum.

  7. Ozvererili çalışmanın sonucu çocuklar emeklerinin karşılığını mutlaka alacaklardır tebrikler

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