One Seed One Sapling For A World

Event Name-Content: One Seed One Sapling ( Climate Change )

Type of Activity: Science and Nature Art Activity (Integrated Large and Small Group Activity)

In my single seed sapling scenario, we enabled our students to discover and learn what we can do to instill a love for trees, protect our world from the negative effects of global warming, and raise awareness about climate change. We learned the benefits of trees and forests for our world. We made seed balls that cannot be thrown from the accumulated waste paper. We observed our seed balls and acorns, we were responsible for their care. When we reached a sufficient size, we planted them in nature with our families.

Achievement and Indicators:

Motor Development : K4: Makes the movements that require the use of small muscles. ( Pours the objects from the container to the container. Gives the materials to the shape with their hands. It cuts the materials. Bonds the materials)

Cognitive Development : K 2: Predicts about an object / situation / event. ( Tells the guess about the object / situation / event. Examines the real situation. )

K5: Observes the object or entities. (Tells the color of the object / entity.

K 17: Establishes a cause-effect relationship. ( Tells the possible reasons of an event. Tells the possible consequences of an event. )

K 19: Produces solutions to problem situations. ( Tells the problem. Suggests various solutions to the problem . Chooses one of the solutions. )

Language Development : K5: Uses language for communication purposes. ( Participates in a conversation. He tells his feelings, thoughts and dreams .)

Bu görselin boş bir alt özelliği var; dosya ismi: tohum-ayse-2.jpg

K7: understand the meaning of what they watch / they listen. (Verbal instructions will perform. Listen, they / explain what they watch. Listen, they / make comments about what they watch. Listen, they / will answer questions about they watch. )

Social Emotional Development : K 10 : Fulfills its responsibilities. ( Shows that he is willing to take responsibility . He fulfills the responsibility he has assumed. He tells the possible consequences when the responsibilities are not fulfilled. )

K13: It protects aesthetic values. (He tells the beautiful and disturbing situations he sees around him . He values ​​the beauties in the environment. )

Materials : Crayons, glue, scissors, towel paper rolls, soda caps, cardboard, packaging waste.

Words : Waste, recycle, decompose, symbol

Concepts : Colors: Blue, yellow, green


Problem Statement: What can we do to protect and reproduce our forests that have been destroyed and decreased due to climate change and unconscious consumption?

  • The video that will be shown in the lesson is prepared before the lesson. 

There is a conversation about what is watched in the video. Students are heard about why this is the case.

  • You can go to the garden and observe the trees in the school garden. There is a conversation about what we see in the school yard, on the street, at home.

What would happen if there were no trees?

Why do the seasons change?

Why is it dangerous if the weather is very hot in our winter season ?

Why should we protect forests? etc.

Accompanied by these questions, students are made to think about climate change.

  • The teacher can reflect the pictures about climate change on the screen and ask the following questions to the students:

– What do you see in the pictures ? ( Drought, climate change )

Why could it be like this?

Have you encountered such a situation around us?

  • The following videos on climate change are watched.
Bu görselin boş bir alt özelliği var; dosya ismi: tohum-ayse.jpg
Bu görselin boş bir alt özelliği var; dosya ismi: serfe.jpeg
Bu görselin boş bir alt özelliği var; dosya ismi: tohum-ayse-3.jpg

What we watched in the video , chat is chatted.

Simple questions are asked to students to remember them.

– What is climate change?

– What causes climate change?

– How does protecting trees benefit climate change?

– What else can we do to protect our world?

  • With the drama, drought and what we might experience in the event of trees disappearing is animated. Afterwards, students are asked to draw a picture of what we can do to prevent climate change. The pictures drawn are examined, ideas are discussed. The focus is on planting seeds and saplings .
  •                            A pulp is kneaded using previously collected waste papers and water required for making a seed ball . Children put the seeds in the pieces separated from the dough and make a ball. Seed balls are left to dry.
  •                            In order to grow our own seedlings, acorn seeds placed in water beforehand are examined. Then, soil is placed in pet bottles and seeds are planted in the soil . A picture of acorn is cut and pasted on each bottle. The names of the children and the planting date are written on the papers . It is discussed how seeds should be cared for for b members. When they are big enough, garden etc. It is agreed that we will sow .
  •                            Children follow up the tree seeds and seed balls they planted with their families at home. Photo etc. as the seeds grow. continue to be observed with.


  • Why was climate change causing?
  • What else can we do to prevent climate change other than growing trees?
  • What were the benefits of trees and forests to our world?
  • If you were the world or a tree, what would you say to people?

FAMILY PARTICIPATION: Families are asked to plant the seed balls sent to the house with their children in a suitable place with their children, and to give responsibility to their children in the care of the tree and plant seeds. As the seeds grow, they are reminded to share their pictures.

RECOMMENDATIONS: It can be planted in different tree seeds and seedlings.

Bu görselin boş bir alt özelliği var; dosya ismi: a869dcac2_opt.jpeg

Author : Scientix Ambassador Gülsüm Atile Hakkı Tatoğlu Prımary School Antalya Turkey , For a World eTwinning project manager

And Şerife Uysal project manager Şekibe Aksoy Prımary School Konya

Photos and videos belong to the author.

10 thoughts on “One Seed One Sapling For A World

  1. It was a very good event. There is no age limit, people of all ages need to participate and apply. Congratulations.

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