Problems encountered at home during the pandemic process and STEM solutions

T he project summary

Being able to be successful in the daily life, education and business life of our students in the 6-7 age group;

It has been determined that they need to improve their experience and skills in order to keep up with the times. Today’s science and technology, the skills that our students should have, the need to develop and change has emerged;

They were asked to find solutions to the problems they encountered, aiming to solve them together.

The pictures are the author’s own – (Attribution CC-BY)


  1. To gain the ability to solve problems related to daily life skills at home
  2. To be sensitive about the safe use of technological tools and equipment
  3. Taking into consideration the interdisciplinary perspective of stem education, activities will be held to transform theoretical knowledge into practice and to gain 21st century skills.
  4. Learn about the importance of discipline and teamwork.

Materials we use at home
Cardboard, scissors, shoelaces, salt, lemon, sugar, crayons, watercolor, flour, eggs.

Time: 2 weeks

Problem Status:
What are the problems we do not go to school and how can we produce solutions according to the problem situation experienced? and making designs according to the problem situation experienced

The pictures are the author’s own – (Attribution CC-BY)


1- The difficulties we encountered during this process we lived at home were written with brainstorming.

2- Since they could not go out, they thought about how to improve their life skills at home, and created the problem situation and solutions with fishbone.

The pictures are the author’s own – (Attribution CC-BY)


Course: Distance education and Visual Arts course

Duration: 30 minutes

Application: By creating their own patterns and colors on the 2-dimensional shoe template, it is ensured that they tie the shoe laces on the model they designed and find a solution to the problem situation they encounter without assistance.

The pictures are the author’s own – (Attribution CC-BY)

Math lesson

Subject: Nonstandard fluid sizes

Duration: 30 minutes

1 Water Glass Salt

2 Water Glasses Flour

1 Cup of Water

Watercolor paint

Felt Tip Pen


1- By associating the non-standard measures topic of our mathematics lesson with the materials we use;

2- With salt ceramics, they were able to find solutions to daily life problems while making their own designs in the kitchen.

Bu görselin boş bir alt özelliği var; dosya ismi: tuz-seramigi-1.jpg
The pictures are the author’s own – (Attribution CC-BY)

Course: ScienceSubject: The importance of a balanced diet – Duration: 30 minutes

He chooses foods and drinks that are beneficial for his health and makes his own lemonade.

Course Process:

The basic plant and animal foods that we should consume for a balanced diet are emphasized in relation to the subject of our Life Studies course. By making interdisciplinary transition, eating a balanced diet, not distinguishing food while eating, emphasizing the health hazards of consuming products such as unknown foods and carbonated drinks, making your own homemade lemonade and cake, daily life problems are solved.

21st century skills:

1- Critical thinking: students become aware of problems and find solutions through discovery.

2-Creativity and Cooperation: Students learn to use their creativity, thoughts and imaginations to reach a goal and solve the problem.

3-Communication: While applying the learning scenario, they share their thoughts, designs and research results. They use and develop their expression and communication skills while introducing their material.

4-Curiosity, questioning: Students strengthen their curiosity, critical thinking, asking questions, observing and evaluating aspects.


With these learning scenarios and activities, our students saw that they could find solutions to the daily life problems they identified and the problems they had at home during the pandemic process.

Using different disciplines, they realized the problems and solutions they encountered at home.

They discovered that they could be socially responsible individuals in society.

They learned by experiencing and observing that project-based learning improves many aspects.

Nurhan Boyacıoğlu: I graduated from Atatürk University Faculty of Education, Teaching German. I work as a classroom teacher. Scientix ambassador and root applicator.