TinkerCad Workshop: Adaptations for Flight

During SDC2021 in Vilnius Alexander Pushkin Gymnasium we have organized special Workshop about animals’ adaptations for flight. These activities took place from 15th to 26th March. Teacher, who organized activity – Aleksej Peržu, biology and science teacher.

The purpose of this work was to get acquainted with the various adaptations of organisms to flight and create their own animal, which will be adapted to fly. Students had to use TinkerCad program to create their animal. Also, they could work individually or in pairs.

The students’ work was divided into three stages. During the first part adaptations for flight was presented using the example of birds living in different regions of our planet. Then the task was presented: students in pairs or individually, using the TinkerCad program, have to create their own organism adapted to flight, name it and present it. The criteria for evaluating the work were discussed with all students. As a result, the assessment criteria were arranged in the form of criteria table.

In the second stage, the students prepared their creative work consulting with teacher. In the third stage, the students presented their work to the class. The works were assessed by the teacher and each student, according to the agreed criteria. The assessment took place through the Mentimeter program.

As a result of the work, the students not only better understood how organisms are adapted for flight, but also learned how to use various ICT tools, evaluate work according to criteria, and also developed their creativity. Students have learned that there is a lot of possibilities how to integrate different ICT tools in different subjects and make it more interesting and engaging.

We are happy to share some works of our students with SDC community. You can find a little EXPO of students’ works in Padlet wall, which you can find via this link: https://padlet.com/aleksejperzu/5o9pgukqs8ebh2du