Education in constantly changing world

It is an undeniable fact that the time our children live will be very different from the time we live. So the knowledge and skills that our children need to acquire will surely be different. The aim of education in the 21st century is to raise individuals who are sensitive to the environment, respectful to nature, who feel responsible for the society and planet they live in, and who have a developed citizenship awareness. Because the world is changing at such a rate that even it is surprising! It is very important to raise awareness for our students in order to leave a livable world to new generations.


Have you ever thought what do we do if our world becomes uninhabitable? What if the world expels us one day, where do we go? What challenges do we have to deal with? How do we settle? Is it possible to live on another planet? 


Here I wrote this learning scenario to learn the answers that my students will give to these questions. This learning scenario targets both the cognitive, psychomotor and affective development of students. It has been prepared to enable students to find solutions to possible future problems with STEM. If human beings do not take precautions and act sensitively, possible dangers await mankind in the future. This learning scenario was prepared to attract students’ attention and raise awareness. I am a design and technology teacher at a secondary school. This learning scenario is suitable for students in the 12-15 age group (5, 6, 7 and 8 grade of secondary school) and could only be partially implemented due to the pandemic conditions.

Trends: Project-based learning, Student centered learning, Game based learning

21st-century skills: Critical thinking and problem solving, Creativity and Innovation,  Communication and Collaboration skills, Initiative and self-direction, Productivity and accountability

Activity 1: Tomorrow is too late!

Duration: 40 + 40 = 80 min

The aims of STEM subject science:

  • Discusses the causes and possible consequences of global climate changes.
  • Offers solutions by using research data on the contribution of recycling to the national economy.
  • In case the resources are not used economically, it provides solutions by specifying the problems that may be encountered in the future.

Ask your students “What comes to your mind first when it comes to sustainability?” Collect your students’ responses with the Mentimeter web tool. Get students to reflect by asking these questions. And discuss.

  • Can creatures survive on other planets? Where do we go if our planet becomes uninhabitable?
  •  What are the renewable and non-renewable resources? What are its advantages and disadvantages? What are the problems that can be encountered in the future if the resources are not used efficiently? Have you ever heard Reduce, Reuse and Recycle?
  • What is a greenhouse gas? What’s the effect? What is global climate change? In the context of global climate change, how can environmental problems affect the future of the world and human life? What are the measures taken by the countries of the world to prevent global climate change? What is sustainability? What are the sustainable development goals?

Do a problem tree activity to facilitate discussion by clarifying the causes and consequences of the problem you are focusing on. Using the Google Jamboard tool, you can examine the problem tree we have implemented for the “sustainable development” problem. The root of the tree represents the possible causes feeding the problem, and its branches represent the apparent effects of the problem. You can do this activity with the students by projecting them on the screen during the video call with the Zoom tool.

Problem tree

Product: Ask students to design a poster on sustainable development using the Canva web 2.0 tool.

Activity 2: Design your own spaceship!

Duration: 40 + 40 = 80 min

The aims of STEM subject engineering:

  • Expresses the relationship between engineering and design.
  • Designs a product using the engineering design process.
  • Advertises and presents the product.

Give students a scenario with a need or problem. Ask them to develop a product that solves the need or problem in this scenario, taking into account certain limitations in collaboration.

Scenario:The year is 2100! Fossil fuels such as coal, oil and natural gas have been exhausted in our world. These resources, which pollute the environment, have consumed our world with themselves! Greenhouse gas released into the atmosphere has increased global warming and caused climate change. The world situation is getting more and more dangerous with each passing day. It has become almost impossible to live in the world. While all this is happening, the population continues to increase. While mankind was trying to cope with floods, storms and hurricanes, he also started to discover new planets that are life. Gradually migrations to new planets began. You too have decided to go to a planet with life. Design a 3D spaceship to fly the planet of your choice. When designing the spaceship, follow the design thinking process and follow the instructions below.

Empathize: Learn about the audience you are designing for. Understand their values and way of life. Identify the underlying motivations for their clearly expressed and not expressed. Consider the difference between personal problems and social problems. Personal problems affect a person. Social problems affect a group of people or societies. Create an empathy map about those most affected by the problem.

Define: Define the problem or need. You should summarize your thinking by drafting a needs statement for the end-user of your design idea.

User (be specific) needs to …………………………. (Action verb) because ……………. (Unique discovery about the user).

Ideate: Brainstorm. Generate lots of creative ideas. Do not take any advice from adults. Don’t include products you see in a movie or cartoon. Imagine, take risks and be understanding. Turn your ideas into sketches. You can use Tinkercad web 2.0 tool.

Prototype: With the prototype, your ideas turn into a model. Prototypes are an opportunity for you to test and develop your thinking. Thus, you can ensure that your idea turns into a product in the best possible way. Create the prototype of your favourite product with modelling clay, play dough or cardboard.

Test: share with your friends and make at least one change based on feedback. You can use a feedback chart.

Feedback chart

Activity 3: Is a new world possible?

Duration: 40 + 40 = 80 min

The aims of STEM subject technology:

  • Separates a problem into sub-problems.
  • Designs different algorithms to solve a problem.
  • Selects the most appropriate decision structures to adapt an algorithm.

After building your spaceship, you and a group of people, among them farmers, engineers, teachers, doctors, nurses, architects, scientists, explorers and inventors, moved towards a newly discovered new planet that is life. Enable colonization and survival on the planet. Create the new planet using the Minecraft Education Edition. Remember that you can do your tasks more easily and simply with the “Agent” exclusive to the “Minecraft Education Edition” application!

 Ask the students to use books and feathers during the tasks. Evaluate the text and photos.

Minecraft Education Edition 1
Minecraft Education Edition 2

Activity 4: There is a letter from the new planet!

Duration: 40 + 40 = 80 min

The aims of  Non-STEM subject literature:

  • Writes story text.
  • Implements writing strategies.
  • Distinguishes the real and fictional elements in the text.
  • Shares what he/she wrote.

To make the learning scenario more fun and interesting, ask students to write letters. Make them understand that building a new world is not as easy and fun as the minecraft game by printing a letter. This letter also develops students’ creative thinking and writing skills.

“Creating a new life on a new planet is very difficult. During colonization, you are likely to encounter many social and global problems such as job, health, safety and communication over time. Your best friend in the world is very curious about the new planet. Write a letter to your closest friend on Earth describing the new planet. In your letter, describe the problems you faced during the colonization process and how you overcame them.”

Possible questions your friend asks are: “Is there a tool you can pull out when your tooth hurts?” “Is there a dentist?” “What are you doing to keep the food from spoiling?” “Where will I take it if my dog gets sick?” “Is there a veterinarian?” “Have bridges been built to cross rivers?” “Is there a school there?” “What do the houses there look like?” “Is there a traffic problem?” “Are the roads straight?” “Is there an agricultural area?” “Where do you get the clothes?” “What will you do if your arm or foot is sprained while playing sports?” “What are you using to warm up?” “Where do you throw your garbage?” “Are there enough medicines against diseases?” “Is there a pharmacy?” “Are there stray animals roaming the streets?”  “Are your water resources sufficient?” “Is there any optics I can go to when my glasses are broken?”

Product: Ask your students to write a letter and share it with classmates.


Using the Linoit web 2 tool, have your students promise to respect the environment

Evaluation using Linoit web 2 tool

You can prepare a questionnaire with Google Forms to evaluate your students.


With the scientific discipline in this learning scenario, it was aimed for the students to have information about the future of the world. Students gain awareness by questioning and thinking critically. In the engineering discipline, it is aimed that students design a spaceship through design-oriented thinking so that they become innovative and entrepreneurial individuals. Students learn to find solutions to daily life problems related to STEM by using their creativity. In the technology discipline, it was aimed for students to establish a new world through game-based learning, individually or collaboratively. Students will have cooperation and communication skills. In the non-stem discipline, it was aimed for students to discover the difficulties of building a new world by writing letters. Students will have creative writing and self-expression skills.