STE(A)M Solution To Obesity Problem


We created an eTwinning project which to find solutions to the obesity problem and we implemented most of our lessons with distance education.The project also includes healthy living and quality education efforts that are included in sustainable development goals. Because we wanted to increase students 21. century skills as critical thinking,collaboration, creativity,etc. We tried to explain Stem jobs as statisticians, computer programer, electronic engineering, etc.

SCIENCE : In science lesson Our project science teachers Arzu K.(İstanbul) and Eray B.(Samsun) tried to explain on healthy nutrition in the circulatory system and obesity.With distance learning students walked 1000 steps and create healthy plates.

TECHNOLOGY : Our project founder Kamil K. (Ankara) Computer science,We combined the physical education lesson and coding, and our students prepared their own choreography and danced.

Certificate Ebru

ENGINEERING : At the and of the project ,In the engineering part, our students gathered ideas from mixed groups by brainstorming. Because they were asked to make the solutions they found with simple models.

ART : Our Students illustrated their solutions after the brainstorming activity.They drew each ideas of them.

Drawings and ideas from students

MATH : In the math lesson,our math teacher Mehmet Y. (Isparta),explained bmi formula and students calculated body mass index of their families members ,In fact, we could make an simple application using

Student writing

We added the Social studies lesson,and English lesson , our project teacher Özlem K.(Ankara) explained to students were informed about the distribution of obesity by regions. Students researched and shared graphs of obesity distribution in our country, according to gender, age and other factors.In English lesson for (Content and Language Integrated Learning). Our English teachers Pınar Ö.(Samsun) and Nur D.(istanbul) ,teachers wanted, Healthy recipes and acrostic poetry studies in English from students .

”As an output of STEM and STE(A)M IT courses prepared by
It has been prepared based on the STE(A)M IT integrated temporary learning plan of K.KUŞKAPAN ,P.E Teacher, Scientix Ambassador and Prof.Regina Vukasović (Croatia)

All visuals belong to the Author – Attribution CC-BY

One thought on “STE(A)M Solution To Obesity Problem

  1. I am Physical Education Teacher ( Ankara , 15 July Secondary School), I graduated from Egean University 2004, I am Scientix ambassador (2021) .

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