Why did we participate Stem Discovery Campaign ? What are our goals ?
Rapid population growth, emerging environmental problems and indiscriminate consumption of natural resources in smart city studies have brought the concept of sustainability to the forefront. Ensuring the continuity of change, meeting the needs of people better than today's cities, and carrying out activities that will not prevent the needs of future generations are an important feature of sustainable smart cities. With these features, sustainable smart cities should not be thought of as just places where technology is extensively applied and used.
In addition to these, in order for a city to be qualified as a smart city, it must have the following characteristics;
• Sufficient amount of water and energy,
• Effective solid waste management system,
• A sustainable information and communication infrastructure,
An effective public transport and mobile system for this public transport,
• Contemporary e-municipal services,
• A successful, planned, programmed environmental management system,
• Contemporary crisis and emergency response system and so on. It includes such parameters.
Within the scope of our Cad-Math eTwinning project, we designed a sustainable smart city with our students on the Tinkercad 3D design program. While doing this design, we first investigated the criteria for a city to be sustainable, and a city that meets these criteria does not have hunger and poverty, has qualified education, a healthy life, peace and justice, industry and innovative infrastructure, gender equality, clean and We saw that it should be a city with accessible energy. In this context, we aimed to expand the horizons of our students, to enable them to do research and to find a solution to a STEM problem.
All visuals belong to the Author – Attribution CC-BY