Topic: Guardians of the Natural Treasures

Area: Ecology; Natural Science

Author: Snezhana Kostova, 125 High School “Boyan Penev” Sofia, Bulgaria

Beneficiaries: students 8 years.

Duration: 12.04. – 22.04.2021

Summary: Studying the nature around us, mastering ecological knowledge and skills for its conservation, development of analytical thinking.

Resources used: Akademico; Skratsch;;; Presentation;

Building the right worldview and behavior is one of the main goals of education, giving scientific knowledge about nature and developing their cognitive abilities, observation and aesthetic taste to be able to see the beauty in nature. Formation of habits and habits related to nature conservation and education of moral qualities, developing the need to communicate with nature.

In April, a series of events entitled “Guardians of the Natural Treasures” took place, where the knowledge acquired by the students was strengthened and enriched.

In the course of the events, the students in a fascinating and interesting way entered a subject not very familiar to them. They understood the significance of human actions in their interaction with our greatest wealth – Nature. They realized that anyone and at any time can help preserve it in the name of a better future.

In the first stage, students were challenged to become researchers, each with the task of conducting an experiment showing water, soil and air pollution. They kept a diary in which they recorded their assumptions, observations and the final result, with conclusions. Everyone shared that they found it very interesting and liked it.

A selection of pictures is the author’s own (Attribution CC-BY)

On 17.04.2021 A tea party was held, where they presented a presentation about the medicinal plants through multimedia, and then everyone told about their familiar herb, drinking aromatic tea. They received a booklet My Herbarium, which in a very fascinating way further aroused their interest in this area of nature – medicinal plants, their protection and their importance to humans.

A selection of pictures is the author’s own (Attribution CC-BY)

On 20.04.2021 in the Computer Room of 125 SU – Sofia the students held an open lesson entitled “Guardians of the Natural Treasures”. With great attention they watched a presentation on environmental pollution and the importance of its protection. Through a maze of computer games, competitions and fun tests, the children presented their previous experiments, shared their observations, interpreted the results. They drew conclusions about the relationship between life and the environment. They showed concern for the protection of our greatest wealth – nature. The children enthusiastically shared their interest in research, with some saying they wanted to become scientists, researchers and conservationists. After an exciting conversation with the guests of the event – Mrs. Kremlina Cherkezova – STEM specialist and lecturer in Computer Technology and Mrs. Rositsa Popova – representative of Ecopack – Sofia, for the demonstrated knowledge and skills, each student received books on separate waste collection and their recycling.

A selection of pictures is the author’s own (Attribution CC-BY)

On 22.04.2021 the students from the Eco-club “Earth is our common home” held an event that was the finale of a series of events during the Earth Month. After a meeting with the journalist from Darik Radio – Maria Cheresheva, who told them about the peculiarities of the profession of journalist-reporter and the cause “Let’s protect the planet”, they visited the working room of Radio 125 with Viktor Gornakov in charge. He informed them about the technology of radio broadcasting and radio broadcasting, after which they made a recording. The students took on the role of reporters and interviewed students, teachers and citizens with questions related to the conservation of nature on Earth and had the task to create their own news.

After each event, the students unequivocally expressed their desire to learn more and it was difficult to end. We promised ourselves that we would continue to be Guardians and future innovators for the preservation of the most priceless treasure – Nature on Earth.