Suyun atmosfer ile dünya arasındaki yolculuğu bir su döngüsü olarak ifade ediliyor ve bu döngü bir takım sosyal ve ekonomik nedenlerle tehlikeli bir sona doğru ilerliyor. Bu bağlamda birçok neden sıralanabilirse de en yaygın nedenler küresel ısınma, su kıtlığı (kuraklık), fosil yakıtların aşırı kullanımı, kontrolsüz nüfus artışı, plansız su yönetimi ve kirliliktir. Başlangıçta ulusal boyutta olan kuraklık, son zamanlarda küresel boyutlara ulaşmış ve suyun önemini vurgulayan çalışmaların sayısı artmıştır. Giderek artan bu soruna çözümler aranıyor ve kalıcı çözümler bulunmazsa dünya ciddi bir su kıtlığı ile karşı karşıya kalacak.


We designed this event called ‘Rain Harvest’ with the aim of reducing water scarcity somewhat and raised awareness during Stem Discovery Week. Three hundreds students who are 7-10 years old participated in our online event. In our online event, we first made them raindrops and internalize them with the drama method. Where would you fall if you were a raindrops? We drew their attention in this direction by saying close your eyes and imagine. We made it a game by symbolizing the words Water-Harvest-Cycle. We created a different movement for each word and asked them to say the words in confusion and make the movement corresponding to that word.Then again, using the drama method, we asked the students to have running water, splashing water, choppy water and raining water. We asked where water comes from and chatted about the water cycle.In the past, we’ve brainstormed the question of how people deal with thirst.

Activities during the online event

So we discussed today’s thirst with the question of how people now deal with thirst. Here we came across two water sources, the first of which was precipitation (rain) and the second was underground sources. The focus of our event was the efficient use of water from precipitation against thirst. In fact, the use of rainwater dates back to the past. People in the past were evaluating rainwater by putting a bucket under the falling rain or allowing it to accumulate in cisterns. So we aimed to adapt this idea from the past to the present. For this purpose, our students designed and drew a mechanism that could harvest rainwater and set it up with the materials they had. They shared their setup with their friends. As a result, they took photos of these devices and uploaded them to the padlet application. At the end of the project, we evaluated what they learned from this event with the mentimeter application.

Project partner: Serap Denizli

Students Mentimeter


YouTube Link


Students Padlets


All visuals belong to the Author – Attribution CC-BY