Organic farming


Today, organic agriculture is developing rapidly. However, our country has an important potential in the field of organic agriculture due to the diversity in plant production, the availability of natural meadows and pastures, and the sufficient workforce.

Can organic farming not only be considered a method of farming, but also a health and life formula?

Is it possible for primary school students to work on this issue and solve the problem? Primary school students on the sustainability of organic They will learn about and present.


healthy life, proper nutrition, organic farming

Table of summary
SubjectProper nutrition, mathematics, healthy life
Topic Organic farming
Age of students8-10 years old
Preparation timeCa 1 hours Note: crop cultivation (planting) will be done a week ago
Teaching time120 minutes (3 lessons of 40minutes each)
Online teaching materialWhat is organic agriculture? News about organic  agriculture

Attribution CC BY. This license lets others distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon this work, even commercially, as long as they for the original creation. integration into the curriculum

Integration into the curriculum

 This plan is suitable for the primary school curriculum in the 4th year of the Ministry of National Education. The importance of chemical-free production is to adopt a healthy life.

He observes the product he has grown and transfers the results to the table. Understands the geometric shapes and objects in the mathematics lesson. He gives importance to group work

Results and importance of group work

Aim of the lesson

 work This plan is suitable for the primary school curriculum in the 4th year of the Ministry of National Education. The importance of chemical-free production is to adopt a healthy life.

He observes the product he has grown and transfers the results to the table. Understands the geometric shapes and objects in the mathematics lesson. He gives importance to group

Outcome of the lesson

. Students will grow their own products and grow agricultural products as a result of chemical-free production.


  • Project-Based Learning
  • Lifelong learning
  • Cooperative learning

21st century skills

Communication: Students will watch and discuss,documentaries and news on organic agriculture

Creativity: Students will decide on the agricultural products they will  grow by brain storming and they will produce chemical-free together

Life and career skills: The impact of chemical-free agricultural production human health will be discussed. After that,they will examine organic agriculture better,learn more about sustainability, learn to work with a solution-oriented approach

Technology skills: it exhibits the products grown by using technology correctly

One thought on “Organic farming

  1. I am interested in Organic Agriculture. İd like to integrate it with Robotic. Even it is Organic we can find Better solution for farmers for their Real life problems with STEAM integration.

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