RobotiAMO – Mini Hackathon

Students 1 classes hight school -scientific liceo

age from 14 to 15

Learning Objectives:

Students will be able to:

  • Describe software of the LEGO Mindstorms classroom EV3
  • Building Robots
  • Write code for LEGO Minstorms to move,
  • Use motion sensors, color sensors, mechanical arms …
Introduce the box lego mindstorms EV3-
hardware that includes the robot controllers, sensors, motors….  
DISCUSSIONDiscuss about the  use of robots in the society.  
    PRACTICE Lab 4.0Lab Project Activity: Hands-on Lab Activity :
Introduce LEGO EV3 Robot Hardware and Software
How to program the robot with Scracth or EV3 Classroom
Introduce how to make the robot move in different ways
Students in groups build different types of robots, guided by the instructions on the site
introduce a Mini hackathon challenge
FEEDBACK LabThe feedback will be given during:
Demonstration of exercises in the hands-on lab activity.
Demonstration of Mini Hackathon Challenge.
EVIDENCECompletion of Lab and Mini Hackathon Challenge
link Video               
DISSEMINATIONPeer to peer to students of different classes          ( In Progress )
Mini Hackathon Challenge the winners are:
1 B class, a female team
1 A class, a male team
Finally the jury (formed by the students of the other classes) will decide the winning team.
The winning team
Male Team
Work in progress

Video n1. album – costantina cossu – Google Photos

Video n2.

Video – Google Photos

9 thoughts on “RobotiAMO – Mini Hackathon

  1. Una grande innovazione per lo studio e la nuova era tecnologica

  2. This is the future aproaching. It’s brilliant the students are exposed to this kind of knowledge since a young age. Well done

  3. Amazing and inspiring work, i love how programming is being introduced in students

  4. Interessante iniziativa, soprattutto coinvolgente per i ragazzi! Bravissimi!

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