LS: Bicycle model in STEM (LS)

Sofia Andreou, MSc STEM in Education, Athens Greece, primary school teacher

Polydoros Stavropoulos, (SV1AHH), Athens Greece, Teacher secondary school, Mechanic engineering, MSc STEM in education.

Vasileios Koutoufaris, (SV1PMJ) Athens Greece, secondary school, Computing Teacher, MSc STEM in education.

In this Learning Scenario (LS) we present an exemplary application with a bicylce model in STEM methodology for primary or early secondary education.

It includes all 4 branches for integrated S.T.E.M. education in 5 phases.

The big idea of the learning scenario is the: “Environmental Pollution”.

The problem that arises and needs to be solved is how we get kinetic energy from solar energy.

We have uploaded the video to the

  1. The teacher plays the role of the observer during the learning scenario. He helps only if it is required so that the students do not deviate from the main goal. Also, they have to made the bicylce model by hand made. In this way they energize the E of STEM.
  2. The students self-act, construct and do research.
  3. The advantage of usage solar energy prevents the consumption of energy from fossil fuels. Thus ensures the reduction of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions that cause global climate change.The model uses the solar energy for movement. We reduce the use of fossil fuels and contribute to the reduction of the greenhouse effect. We will not discover anything new, nor is this sought after by this work. Our goal is to present a pilot course of integrated STEM.

The Learning scenario has been uploaded to google drive at the address:

  1. Age of students 10 -12
  2. Preparation time: 270 minutes
  3. Teaching time learning scenario: 170 minutes
  4. NON STEM subject: 45 minutes

Materials: a small piece of sheathing plywood, electric motor, colours, multimeter, photovoltaic panel, wire.

This course can be attached to the technology or physics curriculum. The model with which the lesson will take place is a bicycle that moves with electricity. This model is a simulation will be studied by the students in details.


   In this work the design of a teaching in one laboratory a) computer science to search in the web sources and b) to the physics laboratory to make the bicycle. It is a creative activity with problem solving and experiment using computer science and measuring instruments like multimeter. Students act on their own and by solving a problem they realize the importance of the answers they have given themselves to the problems posed by the educational scenario.

For Greek schools we have uoloaded a lot info about the scenario to the address:

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About pstavropoulos

My name is Polydoros Stavropoulos and I live in Piraeus Greece. STEM Ambassador Scientix MSc S.T.E.M. in Education, Pedagogical Department of ASPAITE. BSC Mechanic Engineering. In general, Lecturer experience for 36 years at public vocational High Schools. Director/Lecturer of the 3rd Laboratory Center of Piraeus for 10 years (2007-2017). Deputy Director for nine years (1991-1999) at vocational high schools. Author for many articles in Greek scientific conferences and scientific magazines. Author and translator on 35 Mechanical books in the publishing group ION about automotive technology. Certified as Adults Trainer Mechanical Engineer and Inspector of Safety, Health and Quality Controller Certified Lecturer for Moodle Asynchronous Distance Learning. Two licenses classes (B and C) Radio Amateur. Long-term training at the National School of Public Administration on "school unit management". Several additional certifications in relation with language/computers etc. Member in Headquarters as Treasurer in the Hellenic Education Scientific Union of STEM