LS, Automotive Catalytic Converters – Hi Tech calculations.


1. Polydoros Stavropoulos, (SV1AHH), Athens Greece, Teacher Mechanic engineering, MSc STEM in education. 2. Vasileios Koutoufaris, (SV1PMJ) Athens Greece, Computing Teacher, MSc STEM in education.

Catalytic converters are suitable devices for reducing emissions in every modern vehicle. The catalytic converter starts “operating” as soon as its temperature reaches 250 C. When it is cold it does not catalyze and therefore does NOT convert pollutants (CO, HC, NOx ). To overcome the problem of the time period when the catalytic converter is cold, (during the cold start of the engine) and it can not convert pollutants, the electrically heated catalytic converter (EHCD) was created. This type of catalyst, when we turn on the ignition switch of the engine, it is being supplied electric power from the battery and the first part of the catalyst (resistance) is heated – incandescent so that very soon the main catalyst gets 250 C, in order to immediately start the catalysis and conversion of pollutants. Automotive engineering students secondary schools are going to calcualate characteristics of Electrically Heated Catalytic Converters.

The students – future vehicle technicians – should know the operating philosophy of electrically heated catalysts and must be able to control them.

Exhaust flow pipes are a determining factor for the free passage of exhaust gases through the catalyst but also for the efficiency of catalysis and conversion of pollutants. In this 200 minute digital scenario we will calculating the basic characteristics of an electrically heated catalyst. We have uploaded for the Greek students and teachers a video that has many informationfor the calculations on EHCC to the address

The Learning Scenario (LS) that we present is designed for training students in secondary vocational schools, automotive mechanics engineering.

The LS has been uloaded to Google drive as PDF file in English according the template:

Aditional, we have uploaded it in Greek, to the tool ISE, in the below address. We decided it, because we ll use it in Greece. But dont worry… if you like to see it, you can translate in any language via Google Chrome with the right click of the mouse right on the text:

We use the tool ISE of the Open Discovery Space website, because it enables the development of five-phase scenarios, which are distinct and they are referred to us:

PHASE 1: Challenge of Interest and Position of Questions.

PHASE 2: Creating Assumptions and Work Plan.

PHASE 3: Design and Experimentation.

PHASE 4: Analysis and Interpretation.

PHASE 5: Conclusion and Evaluation.

Attention: You can choose from the “settings” to use the scenario as a student or teacher. In the case of teacher, he can read much info in the gray background; also can see the answers of the questions.

The phases are ready and inside them there are:

a) use of multimedia

b) online Quiz with questions of formative evaluation but also problem solving

c) results of formative assessment of the cognitive level of the students / three

d) problem solving results

The duration of a scenario should exceed 2 teaching hours and is based on problem solving.

Materials and equipment that used:

car batery, cables, multimeter, computer, catalytic converter, camera.

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About pstavropoulos

My name is Polydoros Stavropoulos and I live in Piraeus Greece. STEM Ambassador Scientix MSc S.T.E.M. in Education, Pedagogical Department of ASPAITE. BSC Mechanic Engineering. In general, Lecturer experience for 36 years at public vocational High Schools. Director/Lecturer of the 3rd Laboratory Center of Piraeus for 10 years (2007-2017). Deputy Director for nine years (1991-1999) at vocational high schools. Author for many articles in Greek scientific conferences and scientific magazines. Author and translator on 35 Mechanical books in the publishing group ION about automotive technology. Certified as Adults Trainer Mechanical Engineer and Inspector of Safety, Health and Quality Controller Certified Lecturer for Moodle Asynchronous Distance Learning. Two licenses classes (B and C) Radio Amateur. Long-term training at the National School of Public Administration on "school unit management". Several additional certifications in relation with language/computers etc. Member in Headquarters as Treasurer in the Hellenic Education Scientific Union of STEM