Our 2022 Stem Discovery Week Activities

We designed and exhibited sustainable studies with our students.

We have created nature-friendly solutions to global problems.

Protecting the diversity of life on Earth and ocean health is critical to global human well-being; however, major resources are at risk as a result of unsustainable practices.Global environmental change has profound social and human dimensions.

Our students, who expressed their environmental concerns about ocean pollution, carried out various studies to clean the ocean.

14 thoughts on “Our 2022 Stem Discovery Week Activities

  1. Felicitări pentru munca depusă și succes elevilor în activitatea de zi cu zi!

      • Acest proiect s-a încheiat Vom începe altul pe platforma etwinning.

  2. That’s a good study, it needs so much effort and it seems that you have dealed with it, congratulations.

  3. Bu projede olmak heyecan verici. Verimli çalışmanızı takdir ediyorum.

  4. Projeniz çok heyecan verici bilgi vr özveri yüklü idi. Öğrencilerimle keyifle katılım sağladık.

  5. Felicitări tuturor pentru implicare și realizarea acestor produse minunate. Activitățile reprezintă exemple de bună practică.

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