“FIND THE BLUE / TRANSFORM YOUR SCHOOL and CITY” STE(A)M AKTİVİTİES e Twinning project Europe Turkey, Romania, Italy, Portugal and Spain, made in partnership with the Blue School Network. With a Collaborative and Game-Based Learning conducted with students from their countries.It is a structured STE(A)M project.

We detected the problems via poplet.

Our schools are also committed to promoting ocean literacy.Through our project, we are invited to join our students in the effort to promote ocean literacy by taking the ocean to their classes and helping everyone worry wherever they are.European Blue Schools brings the ocean to the classroom. In the journey to become a European Blue School, teachers and students will develop their understanding of the ocean.

By blending the Sustainable criteria of UNESCO with our Ste(a)m studies, we include -Ocean Literacy – in our curriculum studies.

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About nbuyukbayram

I am a mathematics teacher Curious, creative, constantly learner, guiding, self-assessing, knowing 21st century knowledge and skills, knowing how to use technology as a tool, feeling the concept of global citizenship, guiding students to learn on their own, knowing and analyzing generations well I am an educator who cares about working and is aware that the way to touch the future passes through individuals who are independent of thought, imagination and absorb the concept of values. I love coding, drama, different educational tools.