Simple Smart Home Design in Scratch App by Iwona Kowalik

Scratch is one of the students’ favorite applications to learn coding. It seems to be a great proposition to use when organizing the celebration of many events, such as the EU Code Week, Earth Day or Water Day.

Scratch is one of the students’ favorite applications to learn coding. It seems to be a great proposition to use when organizing the celebration of many events, such as the EU Code Week, Earth Day or Water Day. I used it for the next edition of the HUMAN & STEAM event, this time entitled HUMAN & ENERGY. I invited students of Wrocław schools to the workshop “Simple Smart Home Design in Scratch App”.

During the workshop, which took place on the evening of April 25, 2022, we jointly created a house project in which electrical devices were turned on using commands given from the computer keyboard. For example, we turned on the TV with the T key, and the lamp with the L key. The participants got to know the extension “Tekst into speech” and if, repeat until loops.

The classes broadened the knowledge of coding in Scratch app and allowed for the joint creation of a project that can be modified in the future by young students. They were also an opportunity to develop their own creativity and look for other solutions to solve the problem of switching on and off other electrical devices.

I have posted an example instruction in Polish on my website:

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About iwonakowalik

I am a teacher of mathematics and computer science at the School and Kindergarten Complex No. 16 in Wrocław (Primary School no 16 in Wrocław). I am the founder and coordinator of several eTwinning projects awarded with the National and European eTwinning Label. I was a winner of the 2019 European Competition for the SNOPP project. I have also carried out international projects on Edmodo and iEARN platforms. I am a Scientix Ambassador and EU Code Week Leading Teacher for Poland. I am a mentor at Academy of Creative Civic Initiatives, operating under the Wrocław Educational Concept. I am also a school coordinator of the UNESCO Associated Schools program. Passionate about the use of modern technologies and global school cooperation.