Math-ustic=Math+Acoustic.This Steam plan aims to integrate Math,Music and Science.And also we use Physics and acoustic. After we prepare our material Math-ustic we aim to show the relationship between the lessons.(STEAM).

My lesson plan, in which I integrated Mathematics, Music and Science lessons together, guided us in presenting the projects that emerged with the ideas of my students at the Tübitak 4006 science fair. We arranged meetings via zoom   on 29.04.2022. with Serap Güneş   .As a school that received the Stem School label in the process, in order to meet the criteria and ensure the professionalization of the personnel,Prof.Dr. Oylum Akkus Ispir on 4.4.2022 for teachers in our school.


In these days Earth has a lot of problems. With this plan I will measure the attitude for Maths. When a student loves Maths ,he/she starts the good relation with Science. And we need Science and Steam to solve problems in daily life.

the planet among human hands in concept Healthy oceans healthy planet: Elements of this image furnished by NASAthe planet among human hands in concept Healthy oceans healthy planet: Elements of this image furnished by NASA

I will make a meeting with my students on 29.04.2022. It is about Tubitak projects with Prof.Dr Serap Gunes. She works in Yıldız Technical University.Professor of Physics.By the way in the first term we made a meeting from Golden Gate University, Oylum Akkus Ispir( Associate Professor and Chair of Mathematics and Science).She made a presentation for our teachers and headmaster.We learned about pedagogies.(04.02.2022)We talked about Steam,Steam jobs,design thinking,5E plan and flipped training.


Teacher ask: ‘In what ways can we measure sound?’ ‘ Which branches of science contribute to the formation of music? Children brainstorm.



Students are divided into groups. Each group gives itself a name and designs a logo. Mathematics and music of each group They are expected to produce dramas that they relate to. They discover their readiness. The teacher portrays music on cardboard. Each group prepares products in line with their own creativity with the materials at hand. develop their skills


Idea Development:
Students are provided to create a mind map.


Product Development:

The students are divided into groups.They create product designs that will solve the problem under the guidance of the teacher.These are within the limitations of the selected topics. They are expected to discover the relationship between the product they have prototyped and the two basic STEM disciplines and the Non-Stem Music discipline. The audio subject, which is a science outcome, establishes a connection between the Music lesson and the Mathematics lesson. Integrates in the product to be created.

When our material will integrate into many subjects we will be able to apply Stem activity in all classes. I aim to tell the stories I wrote into a book. And I find solutions to the 5,6,7th grade misconceptions.And I hope students to enjoy while learning.


Each group tests the materials they have prepared on the 5th graders. They apply the attitude scales to the group and make inferences.


Pre-prepared rubrics are applied for peer assessment and self-assessment. Thanks to the self-assessment form, the group members evaluate their metacognitive learning levels. And Questions prepared through Kahoot are applied to the 5th grade students, who are the sample. Working reports and products are exhibited at the Tübitak 4006 science fair.


Peer evaluation form

Self assesment form

Bu form kendinizi değerlendirmek amacıyla hazırlanmıştır. Çalışmalarınızı en doğru yansıtan seçeneği işaretleyiniz (X). BECERİLER. DERECELER. Her zaman. Bazen. Hiçbir zaman. 1. Başkalarının anlattıklarını ve önerilerini dinledim. 2. Yönergeyi izledim. 3. Arkadaşlarımı incitmeden teşvik ettim. 4. Ödevlerimi tamamladım. 5. Anlamadığım yerlerde sorular sordum. 6. Grup arkadaşlarıma çalışmalarında destek oldum. 7. Çalışmalarım sırasında zamanımı akıllıca kullandım. 8. Çalışmalarım sırasında değişik materyaller kullandım.

Attitude scale

I will implement the lesson plan that I prepared in Sdc22 between the dates of the discovery campaign. The TUBITAK 4006 fair will take place on May 26-27. The speciality of this fair is that there are 13 prones from different branches. In addition, the projects with the ideas of the students will be exhibited in cooperation with the teachers of different branches. In other words, Steam education will continue all year!
As a result because of the pandemic effect ,most of the people feel  depressed. Main problem is finding happiness.Finally we must integrate music into Steam events.So we find solutions to real world problems with Steam, while we feed our souls with music.



24-25 APRIL 2022

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About eyapan

I'm Secondary school Maths teacher for 16 years in Turkey. I am Scientix Ambassador.I graduated from Hacettepe University.I like Stem and I usually use constructivist education in my lessons. I hope I can share many projects with my Scientix friends in the future. I am mentor of EDUSIMSTEAM Erasmus project.My profile photo with puppets is from Madrid 2017,Erasmus +Project.