Physics and Safety on internet

Organized into groups through the Zoom app, students first read possible real-life stories. The stories show some real-life dangers, which describe dangers comparable to “invisible” dangers on the Internet. Then, students write their own story, which contains, intentionally wrong and false parts. Each group, then, finds false information in the story of some of the other groups, which they obtained by random selection. Finally, students form their own rules of conduct online.

Teaching activities are also suitable for live.

Activity: Introduction I.__Tell me, truly.

How much time a day do you spend on the Internet: a) for learning, b) free optional choice (social networks, games, …)? Students write their answers in a Mentimeter, type “Open-Ended”. 

In the introductory part, students watch and review a video, about the dangers of the internet. „Learning and preventing the dangers of the Internet”

Activity: Introduction II.__ I’m telling you a story.

Organized online activities in a group, through Zoom meet. Use of new technologies and new digital tools. Students read a short story. Each group, which is formed automatically via the zoom application, reads and considers only one story. Story No.1. On a trip to a foreign country, you lose your wallet. In it are all your personal documents, and money. Since the trip is organized in full arrangement, you have already bought all the little things and possible souvenirs. You notice that you lost your wallet only on the way back from the trip. How will you find your lost documents and some emotionally important additions? How are you feeling? What lesson will you learn from that? Story No.2. What are you going to do when you find out your younger brother got lost, overnight, in a big city? Somewhere, alone wandering the city, at night. What are all the scenarios you can guess? How will you connect, surfing your younger brother on your own, and (or) your own on the internet? How are you feeling? What lesson will you learn from that? Story No.3. — Task From the offered set of teaching aids, choose the one needed to perform the proposed physical experiment. There are some unnecessary elements in the set of teaching aids offered for conducting experiments. Students should recognize and select only those they need. What lesson will you learn from that?

Formed into groups, through Zoom meet, students make this part. Students should consider and critically argue what is read in the story. Students find a suitable solution, for their example story. Each story creates conditions that encourage thinking, critical judgment, collaboration, and communication. Finally, the story makes students aware of the dangers of the Internet, and how much there is a possibility of unwanted and unfavorable outcomes.

Actvity: Central part I.__ I’m writing you a story.

Task: Write a story. Theme chosen by the group. The story should contain some elements and parts inaccurate. And in this part, students are formed into groups, through Zoom meet. Students write their own example story. The topic is from the framework of teaching contents in physics, which each group chooses. Each story creates conditions that encourage thinking, critical judgment, collaboration, and communication. Finally, the story makes students aware of the dangers of the Internet, and how much there is a possibility of unwanted and unfavorable outcomes.

Activity: Central part II.__True, misinformation or disinformation.

This part of the activity involves finding incorrect information in the text, either intentionally complex or due to the author’s ignorance. The text, their story, which the students wrote in the previous step, is researched and given to another group. Research and recognition of misinformation, students conduct by working in a group.

Activity: Evaluation__ Common rules of conduct on the Internet.

Students in the group agree on common rules according to which they will search the Internet. Agreed rules, each group writes on a common interactive whiteboard_Padlet. It is available and visible to every student, at any time, without the need to form a private account.

In the Evaluation part, students watch and review a video, about the use of the internet. “Are You Protecting Your Eyes with the 20-20-20 Rule?”

Also, the next “5 tips for using the Internet”,

I send to the students:

About me:

My name is Slavica Bernatović. I am a physics teacher at the Technical School in Slavonski Brod, Croatia.

I organize student activities using innovative methods of work. I’m a physics teacher working in a secondary vocational school (upper). Whenever we have the necessary materials and accessories, students research the laws of physics. That is with the intention of connecting them with real-life, technique, and modern technology.