OBJECTIVE: In this event, prototypes were designed in places where vehicles and people cannot reach quickly in forest fires, which intervene immediately and prevent the spread of fire by warning the authorities early.
CLASS: 2nd Class
HB.2.6.6. Gives examples of natural disasters.
HB.2.6.7. Explains natural events and measures that can be taken against natural disasters.
T.2.4.8. Uses capital letters and punctuation in the correct place.
T.2.4.1 Write meaningful and regular sentences.
M. Creates structures using shape models, draws structures created.
Technology-Explains the basic processes needed for a project. (including design and prototype development)
Technology-Uses appropriate units for all calculations and measurements.
Applies design concepts related to Technology-Physical and Mechanical system problems.
**Expresses himself in creative ways.
**Reads visual materials.
**Produces solutions to problem situations.
*Natural disasters
*Project-based learning
*Learning by doing
*STEM learning model
*Design thinking
First of all, at the beginning of the activity, students with different abilities and characteristics came together, homogeneously divided into groups. The scenario was written for each student in the groups. Worksheets were distributed. Afterwards, the scenario was read and the students noticed the problem is provided. Groups of students were asked questions about what the problem is.
Deniz had come to Manavgat from Istanbul to her grandmother’s house on vacation that summer. She was very happy to see her grandparents and cousins. She loved Manavgat very much. Especially its deep blue sea and lush forests… On the day they went, they went on a trip to the forest together as a family. They spent a lot of time in the lush green hills and colorful flowers. As soon as Deniz came home in the evening, he fell asleep immediately due to exhaustion. When he woke up in the morning, there was a hectic mood at home. Everyone was huddled in front of the window. They were staring at the distant forests with fearful eyes. The sea came quickly to the window. His eyes were wide open. The forest they went to yesterday was in flames, it was on fire. This was common during the summer months. It was said that the fire was getting closer and closer to the houses. Many villages, especially those close to the forest, were evacuated. Everyone was very upset. Grandfather said: “Who knows how long it’s been on fire? I wish the authorities had known earlier.. Then it wouldn’t have spread that much, would it have been extinguished immediately?”. Deniz: “Really, can a device be made that can detect forest fires, and fire and smoke immediately?” he thought…Yes, there were these devices in the houses. But why wasn’t it in the forests???
Revealing students’ prior knowledge, alternative concepts, and personal experiences after our story is finished.
The following questions are asked by the teacher.
1-What is a natural disaster?
2-Have any of you ever experienced a fire?
3-Have you seen a forest fire before?
4-What causes forest fires?
5-How do you think forest fires can be prevented?
6-Can a device that notifies forest fires be made?
The answers given by the students to the questions above establish the school life connection and include the students’ prior knowledge. Answers are heard by the teacher. As a more effective practice, in the classroom is shown the “Forest Fires” informational video:
In this section, in order to determine the needs for the problem situation, the students say what they know. Before starting the problem solving, the readiness of the students is determined.
Student groups are asked to do research on forest fires. (In the research of students, our parents were informed about safe internet use, when it is considered, the research should be more visual and conducted under the guidance of parents. Necessity is expressed.)
The spokesperson of each group explains their research to the class using the presentation technique. The visual research presentations brought by the students were presented with photographs, pictures.
Answers to the following questions are sought on internet printouts. (Question-answer technique): 1) What are the causes of forest fires?, 2) In which season are they most visible? Why?, 3) What can be the harm of forest fires?, 4) Can forest fires be prevented?, 5) Can forest fires be responded to more quickly?
Afterwards, students are guided to help Deniz. Brainstorming is done about the device that informs about forest fire. What do you think the features of this device should be? Based on the question, word cloud work is done with the “WORDART Web2.0” tool. It is then printed and displayed on the classroom board.
At this stage, the teacher gives brief information about forest fires to the students:
**The biggest danger that causes the depletion of forest resources is fires.
**Every year, thousands of people lose their homes due to forest fires, and hundreds of people lose their lives in these fire-related accidents. Thousands of forest animals perish in fires.
** Damages to trees, soil and agricultural areas are great.
** The fact that Turkey is located in the Mediterranean climate zone means that it frequently encounters forest fires.
** After fire prevention and control, the important issue to be addressed; extinguishing it before it turns into a disaster with an effective organization.
For a better understanding of the subject, the following reinforcement video is watched:
- The causes of forest fires are emphasized.
- Rather than extinguishing the fire, guidance is given on what prevention and early detection activities can be.
Our problem situation in the script is read once again. The students have completed the preliminary preparation phase about the design they will make with the research and presentations they have made during the exploration phase.
An Annex 2 form is distributed to the students. Students start making design drawings to help Deniz. The groups evaluate the design drawn by each student and choose the most likely solution. The groups describe the features of the design in the prototype drawing and explain how the design will work.
The necessary materials for the designs are provided to the groups by the parents and the teacher. Each group will be given 3 days for the design and at the end of this period, each group will be presenting. It is stated that they will explain the features of the design in the class with available materials.
Ask students to turn their solutions into products. The design phase begins.
Information is exchanged on which geometric objects to choose for the design. The comparison is made by measuring the height of the trees and the designed prototype with non-standard units of measurement.
**You can watch the student presentations of emergency response design drawings for forest fires from the link below:
**At this stage, students will be guided while designing.
**Start and check the design you will prepare.
**Tell your friends about the construction stages and materials of the design you have prepared by making a presentation.
**You can reach the group presentations from the link below:
**Products made in the school entrance hall are exhibited and offered to other students:
After the presentations are over, the groups compare their design with the designs of the other groups. Thus, groups have the opportunity to evaluate and improve their designs. The teacher uses supportive statements to help the groups improve their products. After sharing, the groups are asked what they can do to improve their designs. Groups can improve their designs if they need to. After all the sharing is done, the design evaluation form is distributed to the groups and the groups are ensured that they evaluate their product objectively.
Attributes | Yes | No | Indecisive |
Have you learned about Forest Fires? | |||
Have you found a solution to the problems for emergency response to forest fires? | |||
Did you imagine and design while drawing your design? | |||
Did you have a hard time designing the product? |
• You should tell us your product’s strengths and weaknesses.
• What would you like to change if you were to do it again?
Deniz had come to Manavgat from Istanbul to her grandmother’s house on vacation that summer. She was very happy to see her grandparents and cousins. She loved Manavgat very much. Especially its deep blue sea and lush forests… On the day they went, they went on a trip to the forest together as a family. They spent a lot of time in the lush green hills and colorful flowers. As soon as Deniz came home in the evening, he fell asleep immediately due to exhaustion. When he woke up in the morning, there was a hectic mood at home. Everyone was huddled in front of the window. They were staring at the distant forests with fearful eyes. The sea came quickly to the window. His eyes were wide open. The forest they went to yesterday was in flames, it was on fire. This was common during the summer months. It was said that the fire was getting closer and closer to the houses. Many villages, especially those close to the forest, were evacuated. Everyone was very upset. Grandfather said: “Who knows how long it’s been on fire? I wish the authorities had known earlier.. Then it wouldn’t have spread that much, would it have been extinguished immediately?”. Deniz: “Really, can a device be made that can detect forest fires, and fire and smoke immediately?”
Name and surname :………………………………………………..
Class No:…………………………………………………………
Dear Students,
Can you draw the device or mechanism that you think of, the design that can immediately detect forest fires, intervene and notify the authorities quickly?
Can you tell us which science, mathematics, engineering, technology or other science branches you should benefit from, in order to make the tool / machine / device you pictured above in real life?
It is exactly a wonderful work. This work will enable people to realise the importance of precautions to be taken for forest fires.
Your course content about our route stem has been very successful. There were good activities for students to produce products. Congratulations to everyone involved.