We Design Our Own Ecosystem!

(Global warming and climate change)

This learning scenario was prepared in order to let our young people, who are the architects of our future witness the problems closely and develop solutions with NBS ( natural based solutions).

Subjects: Biology; Learning ecological concepts, designing an aquarium. Geography; Discussing controversial issues and what responsible actions to take in account to prevent global warming or pollution. Art; Drawing naturmort pictures ICT; For student’s learning products, assesment and giving feedback..

Age of students: 14-16

Preparatıon time: One hour( for preparing pre and final quizes). Teaching time: 5*30 minutes. Online teaching materials: Padlet, Kahoot,Canva, youtube videos, EBA ( Education and Information Network of Turkey). Offline teaching materials: Aquarium, Tilapia or Trout, lettuce, radish, parsley, water pomp, power supply.

Relevant Trends that the Lesson incorporates:

  • -Design thinking
  • Critical thinking
  • STEM learning
  • Colloborative learning
  • Practical learning
  • Civic awareness

Outcome of the lesson: Students gaines knowledge and practical abilities to understand ecosystems. Not only students learnt about the negative impact of air, water or soil pollution on the environment economy and social life but they also learnt that once broken down and reintroduced into nature recycling could have a positive impact on communities. With aquaponic ( Aquaculture; raising fish in a controlled environment , ponics; is latin “to work”, growing in soilless media) aquarium they learnt that NBS solutions in urban ecosystem can contribute to healthier and more sustainable cities and circular economies.

Firstly at Biology lesson, I explained to the students that they need to work as a team to understand and discuss the aquaponic agriculture and sustainability. I prepared a prequiz with Kahoot for determining pre knowledges of the students. Than they watched some videos from youtube and EBA. I divided the class into groups at 6 students providing a set of materials for each group. They decided appropriate fish and plant for their Aquarium as a natural ecosystem. Also they planned abiotic( non living) factors like light, water, temperature qualities. Finally all groups took photographs of their designing and they exhibited them on the Padlet.

We also organised a science interview via TUBITAK ( Scientific and technological research council of Turkey). We invited a lecturer who studies ecology releated issues at the university to the our school. Dr. Nehir TOKGÖZ gave informations to students about ecological concepts, global warming and climate change. We prepared a poster with Canva .

Science interview

Also students discussed about controversial issues such as unconscious use of river banks or constructing power plants what are the pros and cons about these environmental facts via “Six thinking hats” activity at the Geography lesson. We used different masks: -Blue represents; process, White; facts, Green; new ideas; Yellow; benefits, Red; feelings, Black; problems. It was useful to use all the thinking masks for decision making, group thinking and problem solving. This made thinking through with all possible perspectives being covered.

They took a final quiz and they designed a poster with Canva for the assesment of the lesson. My LS’link is: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_ykAVtV0M6oo2z3Lr9V6T8lU94pgicjB/edit?usp=drivesdk&ouid=113885424008948118675&rtpof=true&sd=true

Six thinking masks.
ICT lesson
Science interview
Aquaponic aquarium

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About teslimeaydın

My name is Teslime Esra AYDIN. I'm a Biology teacher in Turkey. I have a master's degree. I met STEM education and Scientix through a project of European School net in 2016. I participated 8th Amgen Teach Distance Learning Activity, "Mystery Tubes and Tricky Tracks-Models to integrate reflective instruction about the Nature of Science and Scientific Inquiry into Science teaching". I also participated "Inquiry-based applications in Biology Education" course which was given by Amgen Teach. I prepared Lesson Scenarios about "Integrated STEM teaching for secondary schools", "Exploring Nature-Based Solutions in our classroom" and "The 3 Rs and animal use in Science". Now I'm a Scientix Ambassador. I want to take an important role for dissemination STEM education in my city and in my country.